

2019-11-14 20:11:42编辑:景景

  托福口语“新闻类”答案及托福写作“伪造”范文分享 本文为大家分享托福口语关于新闻类话题答案以及托福写作关于“伪造”话题的范文,一起来学习吧!可喜可贺,这次的考试很多小伙伴表示没有很难!与其说ETS要良心发现了,更认为是小伙伴们水平提高了~为自己鼓掌!



  11.9 口语部分

  Task 1

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People prefer to pay attention to negative news rather than positive news.



  I agree with the statement.

  First, negative news usually are more explosive thus draws more attention from the general public.

  For example, lately a truck contains 39 dead bodies was found in Britain. This news got the world on its feet, everybody was talking about it, people want to know where the dead bodies were from, how did they die, you know the whole story of this incident.

  Second, people love to give their opinions on things and negative news is a better topic.The same example of the tragedy in Britain. Right after the news was blown out, so many people started to discuss and analyze this news online. They acted like if they were detectives.

  11.9 写作部分


  Laocoon是不是米开朗基罗(Michelangelo) 伪造(forge)的


  1. 他伪造过的不止一个,其他的雕像(Cupid)也是伪造的;

  2. 有一个底稿和这个雕像很像,可能是他仿造时的底稿;

  3. 经济原因(financial motivation),那个时候仿造古希腊雕像可以卖钱



  1. Cupid是米开朗基罗年轻未成名时仿造的,是为了让世人知道他的才华,成名以后,大家都认为他有能力,他没有必要再继续仿造了;

  2. 画有两处细节和雕塑不同,所以是巧合:1.drawing是hold left arm,statue是hold right arm;2.—个是 straight torso另一个是twisted torso;

  3. 伪造毁名声,太冒险了,因为当时买名家作品和古希腊雕像的人都是国王之类的贵族。米开朗基罗出售假的statue被发现后会激怒这些人,让米开朗基罗 lost all his customers and destroy his career.





  The passage and the lecture discuss whether Laocoon was forged by Michelangelo. The writer claims that it was a forgery created by Michelangelo, whereas the professor in the lecture argues against that it was not possible for him to do so.

  To begin with, as is mentioned in the reading, Michelangelo had forged statues before, one of which was Cupid. Nevertheless, the listening refutes that Cupid was forged to raise the public attention when Michelangelo was young and not famous. After he became well-known and people recognized his talent, there was no need for him to continue forging the statues.

  In addition, concerning the claim made by the article that a draft of Michelangelo that was similar to Laocoon was found and could be used to commit the forgery, the professor in the listening also provides counterargument. The professor points out that it is a coincidence, since there are two different details between the drawing and the statue. The figure in the drawing is holding the left arm and has a straight torso, while Laocoon is holding his right arm and has a twisted torso.

  Last but not least, the reading asserts that Michelangelo had a financial motivation when forging the statue. Nonetheless, the listening rebuts that it is too risky. People who purchased the drawings and statues from the ancient Greek period at that time were aristocrats such as kings. Once they figured out that Michelangelo’s work was forged, they would be irritated and Michelangelo would lose all his customers and destroy his career.