

2022-07-28 13:19:41编辑:飞飞

上次给大家介绍了ERQ的写法这次轮到SAQ啦! 大家都说SAQ比ERQ简单一些让我们一起来看看究竟是不是这样的吧~ 本文会为大家详细介绍SAQ的:重要性、评分标准以及Command terms 。



02、SAQ Rubric
A. Response (Command terms)
a. Describe
b. Outline
c. Explain

B. Knowledge and Understanding

C. Research


Short Answer Question, 顾名思义,很short。 虽然短,但是在Paper 1中的占分比却很大!Paper 1分为Section A 和B。SAQ只会出现在Paper 1 的Section A中,而且我们必须回答每个来自三个不同的approach的问题。
一道SAQ占9分,也就是说三道是27分。这27分再加上Section B的一道ERQ的22分就组成了Paper 1的49分。 根据2019的分数线,只要Paper1超过36/49就是7分。众所周知,每年翻车率最大且最难准备的就是ERQ了。
从2021年调整的整体评分标准来看,Paper 1占总分55%,而IA占45%。也就是说只要Paper 1拿到7分,整体就稳了!!! 更主要的一点是,相比ERQ,SAQ不需要我们输出Critical thinking!不需要我们输出Critical thinking!不需要我们输出Critical thinking!(重要的事情说三遍)


SAQ Rubric

Mark bandLevel descriptor0The answer does not reach as standard described by the descriptors below.1-3The response is of limited relevance to or only rephrases the question.Knowledge and understanding is mostly inaccurate or not relevant to the question.The research supporting the response is mostly not relevant to the question and if relevant only listed.4-6The response is relevant to the question, but does not meet the command term requirements.Knowledge and understanding is accurate but limited.The response is supported by appropriate research which is described.7-9   The response is fully focused on the question and meets the command term requirements.Knowledge and understanding is accurate and addresses the main topics/problems identified in the question.The response is supported by appropriate research which is described and explicitly linked to the question. 所以为了让评分标准更加简单易懂,让我们把Level descriptor分成三个Criteria吧:Response,Knowledge and Understanding和Research。 A. Response
Mark bandLevel descriptor0The answer does not reach as standard described by the descriptors below.1-3The response is of limited relevance to or only rephrases the question.4-6The response is relevant to the question, but does not meet the command term requirements.7-9The response is fully focused on the question and meets the command term requirements. Response最看重的就是你的答案有没有专注在回应问题上(The response is fully focused on the question)。
为了节省时间和手力,开头第一句就要明确写出你的答案。这个时候就不要为了凑字数而把所有跟题目不相关信息都写上啦,会被认为是你没有完全理解这个问题的哦。 举例:“Describe one model of memory”

第一句:One model of memory is……
看到问题中和高分mark band中的中心词了吗?
没错,又是我们的Command terms!划重点,想要拿到7-9分就要保证你的回答符合问题中出现的Command terms。 虽然IBO说SAQ中可能会出现6个Command terms:Describe, Identify, Outline, Comment, Explain, Suggest 但是实际上从2017年心理学改版到现在出现的只有三个: a) Describe
举例:“Describe one effect of neurotransmission on human behaviour.”

Describe的回答:The increase of neurotransmission of acetylcholine could affecthumans’ memory.
说明什么是Neurotransmitter 并且介绍你所选的和它可能会对什么人类行为造成影响
描述你所选的案例 (research/study)

b) Explain
Explain就是要我们在Describe的基础上详加说明,包括理由和原因。 举例: Describe one effect of neurotransmission on human behaviour.
我们要解释为什么这样的事情会发生,而不仅仅是发生了什么。 Explain的回答:The increase of neurotransmission of acetylcholine could affect humans’ memory because it stimulates nerve signals to be sent in hippocampus which memory processing is dependent on.

c) Outline
Outline是最简单的一个Command terms。因为这个对写作要求最少,只要简单说明和总结一下就可以了,除此之外真的没什么了。
如果实在担心的话可以按照Explain来写,毕竟Explain包括Outline嘛(宇宙尽头是Explain)。 这三个command terms的关系可以参照下图:
虽然三个command term关注的答题重点不相同,但宁愿多写一点解释也不能少写啊!

B. Knowledge and Understanding
Mark bandLevel descriptor0The answer does not reach as standard described by the descriptors below.1-3Knowledge and understanding is mostly inaccurate or not relevant to the question.4-6Knowledge and understanding is accurate but limited.7-9Knowledge and understanding is accurate and addresses the main topic/problem identified in the question. 这个Criteria是在干什么呢?这是在叫我们多多背书炫耀记忆力哦。 Knowledge and Understanding 跟ERQ中Criteria B一样考的都是对于知识的理解。这个Criteria最看重的就是知识的准确度,所以要尽量避免出现把名称或者定义写错了的失误。 在这个Criteria中拿分的地方是背景知识和案例的介绍。要注意的是,在回答中一定要写出所有专业词汇的定义。
要想象成你不是在给考官写答案而是在给一个从来没有学过心理学的人写说明书。所以想要在这个Criteria中拿到高分的话就只能乖乖地背定义和理论了。 举例: Describe one explanation for the formation of stereotype.

1. Stereotype的准确定义

2. Stereotype是如何形成的?为什么?根据什么theory?


1. Aim (目的) → 研究员想要通过实验来了解什么?

2. Procedure (实验步骤)→ ta们是怎么做到的?

3. Result (实验结果)→ 结果是什么样的? 这个时候就需要把所有记住的实验内容和细节给写上去了,因为这样才能够展现出你对于问题和知识的理解程度。 介绍案例的段落开头可以写成 “One study on the (题目) was done by (人名&年份)” ,这样既不拖泥带水又把案例给直接点了出来。

C. Research
Mark bandLevel descriptor0The answer does not reach as standard described by the descriptors below.1-3The research supporting the response is mostly not relevant to the question and if relevant only listed.4-6The response is supported by appropriate research which is described.7-9The response is supported by appropriate research which is described and explicitly linked to the question. 虽然ERQ中可以用不同Approach的案例来回答问题以展现自己的Critical thinking,但是在被格式所限制的SAQ中,不能用一个Social-cultural approach的案例去回答Biological approach的问题。
所以Research的Criteria看的是你选的案例和问题的匹配程度。 那么匹配程度是如何在SAQ中展现出来的呢?
这就要看你能不能把实验结果和问题联系(Link)起来了。这里的Link指的是要解释你所描述的案例是如何解释说明你对该问题最初的答案的。 举例:Explain one example of localization of brain function.

最初的答案 → Localization of function is the theory that specific parts of the brain are responsible for specific cognitive processes, each part of the brain functions differently to form human behaviour. Therefore, damaging the areas in the brain might create losses of particular functions.
案例 → Corkin et al (1997) H.M case study 联系 → As H.M could not remember his long-term memories after his hippocampus was damaged, it indicates that the hippocampus is a temporary memory storage rather than permanent memory storage. This is able to explain that the job of memory storage is separated in different regions of the brain. 注意除非问题表明需要两个或者以上的案例,不然在SAQ中只能写一个案例。甚至很多问题本身也会明确表明只要一个案例(with reference to one study)。如果写多了的话,考官只会按照你写的第一个案例来进行评分。 除此之外还要注意,很多题目会明确表明要的是Human behaviour。所以做准备的时候一定要想清楚:如果用了以动物实验为基础的案例的话,要怎样才能够把动物的行为数据跟人类的行为联系起来。 有的同学会发现自己出现过写着写着跑题了的情况。比如,问题问的是Neural pruning但是写的方向却是Neurotransmission。
虽然这两个区域是有关联的,但是如果不能完整地表达出它们之间的关系的话是会被扣分的(not relevant)。 所以说选择一个好的Study很重要!!!为考试做准备的时候一定要多看看几个不同的案例,想清楚这些案例分别可能对应的问题有哪些再开始背哦。

通过刚才的SAQ rubric, 我们可以把SAQ分成三个大段落。具体如下:

Direct response to the question /
Background information
(Response & Knowledge and Understanding)
- 直接回应问题
- 写出所有专业词汇的意思
- 解释任何涉及到的步骤或者理论(theory)

(Knowledge and Understanding)
- 介绍你所选的案例
- 包含Aim, Procedure, Conclusion

- 解释你选的案例和问题的联系


一篇SAQ的字数差不多是300字左右,所以一般来讲是在一篇到一篇半的范围内。但是Paper 1只有2个小时的时间,在这2小时内要写3篇SAQ和1篇ERQ。
合理分配的话,最好要把1篇SAQ的时间控制在20分钟左右。三个SAQ一个小时,最后再留1个小时给ERQ。 虽然说先从SAQ或者ERQ开始写都可以,但是学姐更喜欢从SAQ开始。因为可以先热热手,等自己习惯了写作速度和思维之后再开始写ERQ。
更主要的是,如果ERQ写着写着因为Critical thinking卡壳了的话就会浪费很多时间,而SAQ只要输出记忆,是稳赚不亏的选择。
在翻开试卷的时候也可以先把ERQ的问题看一遍,然后在写SAQ的时候插缝想一下ERQ的结构。当然,写作顺序还是要看个人习惯啦。 还有很重要的一点!如果记不住年份的话可以不写(不会扣分的),但是人名一定不能不写。


SAQ是IB心理学课程中,只要肯下功夫努力就一定可以拿到高分的部分,只要多做准备,多多练习就一定可以提高分数的!希望大家都可以拿到7777分! 依旧是这句话:来,试试看!