

2021-12-15 19:17:23编辑:景景

  20211211托福综合写作回忆和解析含范文   本文由环球教育​天津学校储楚老师整理提供







  阅读部分1. 更大的可能是由陨石撞击造成的

  2. 火星上气温低于负70摄氏度,液体水会冻住

  3. 探测器采集火星表层标本没有发现液体水的成分

  听力部分1.reoccurring streaks每年流过exactly same position,然而soil and rocks 不是静止不动的,但液体水每一年都流过同样的path,所以更有可能是


  2.火星上的水是salty water,可以在更低温度下维持液体状态




  参考范文Both reading and listening talks that the formation of reocurring streaks on Mars is because of the liquid water. According to the reading, there are three reasons of it, yet the professor in the listening casts doubt on the statement in the reading.

  First, the reading points out the fact that it’s very likely that the metrorite impacts caused the reoccurring water on Mars. Yet the listening part explains that the reoccurring water has flown over the exactly same position every year, while soil and rocks brought by the impact will stay still, indicating that there won’t be any flowing path left on the surface of Mars.

  Second, the passage presents that the liquid water will be frozen since the temperature on Mars is lower than minuns 70 celsius degree. However, the listening makes it clear that water on Mars is salty water, which means it remains liquid under even lower temperature. So it’s possible that the reocurring streak is formed due to liquid water.

  At last, no signs of liquid water have been dectected by the probe when collecting samples on the surface of Mars. But the professor mentions that sample collecting is only operated on the surface of the planet, while liquid water will penetrate into the underground soil and mix with the dirt. Therefore, the depth that the probe reached was probably not enough to detect water.[230]