

2021-12-15 19:15:26编辑:景景

  20211211托福口语回忆和解析含参考答案   本文由啄木鸟教育郑州学校扬老师提供


  Task 1

  内容回忆Some people prefer to go to the gym only when they have extra spare time, while others prefer to go there everyday. Which do you prefer?

  参考答案Truthfully,as much as I’d like to go to the gym as often as possible, that doesn't mean I can actually go there on a daily basis. Obviously, because as university students, we have so many projects to do and activities to attend to. Even if I want so bad to be in a better shape and have a stronger body, I just cannot leave the other important issues in college life aside and focus only on one thing in my life. For example, just within this coming week, I have 2 tests to prepare for and a paper to turn in on the weekend, and there's also a weekly meeting at my debate club. So probably I'll only be able to go to the gym and work on my triceps on Wednesday.

  Task 2





  Task 3

  阅读概念:Trial offer


  听力例子:教授在电视上看到一个arm exercise equipment, 用的人胳臂更壮了,说效果很好,下面有个电话。教授不确定效果,所以没买。后来又过了几天同一个产品的广告。这次除了电话还说可以先订购,使用一个月,效果不好可以退回产品,好的话付钱。教授觉得自己用了即使效果不好也没损失就订购了,用了之后感觉不错所以买了。

  Task 4

  话题主题:Two strategies to protect coral reefs。

  听力策略一:monitoring water temperature,检测海水温度变化,提前发现何处何时会发生珊瑚白化;

  策略二:coral transplantation,将健康的新生珊瑚一直到即将白化的珊瑚上,使其焕发新生。