

2021-09-13 17:47:10编辑:景景

  2021年9月11日托福口语回忆和解析含参考答案   本文内容由啄木鸟教育北学校姜海老师整理提供,供各位同学参考!更多托福备考干货,请关注环球教育,环球托福秋季班正在火热预报中,在线咨询即可预约试听!

  Task 1

  内容回忆On birthday, do you prefer quiet place with few people or crowded place with more people?

  参考答案Personally speaking, I’d prefer to be quiet with few people around me. There are 2 reasons that I need to mention. The first reason that I want to be quiet with few people is that we have something in common. Which means, if I stay with people who enjoy doing what I like, it doesn’t have to be with more people. No matter what to do, it is very feasible to exchange of ideas and interact with each other. However, if I stay with more people in a crowded place, things cannot be finished effectively. On the other hand, staying with more people will bring noisy pollution on birthday. If people play games in a crowded area, some may think it is a good way to facilitate and keep a better relationship on that day. Unfortunately, if so, people even cannot hear a word from people nearby in the noisy area.


  Task 2


  1. 搞得到处垃圾很不美观

  2. 垃圾食品有害学生健康


  1. 多加点垃圾桶就好

  2. 也有卖健康食品,而且有推车学生就不用因为急着上课饿肚子

  Task 3

  阅读概念:shared-cost effect


  Task 4



  1. 在冬天脱落的树,需要树叶腐烂在土壤里为它春天的成长提供养分

  2. 在春天脱落的树,需要树叶来吸引虫子注意,避免自身枝干被昆虫侵扰
