

2021-07-30 09:03:42编辑:小橙




  Do you think it's a good idea to require all students to do volunteer work like helping out in elementary schools or cleaning the parks in the local community?


  To promote academic success, your university is considering a new policy that would limit the number of hours per week that students can spend working at university jobs. Do you think this is a good idea?


  这两个题目都是和community service相关,但第一个问题可以用community service的好处来作答,而第二个问题就不能生搬硬套了,因为它更加具体,此时我们需要说明的就是community service的好处和time for studying之间的平衡或者取舍,需要用到的reasoning更复杂,涉及到的讨论也会更具体(比如时间),很显然,难度是增加了的。所以,小编要提醒大家注意,独立口语的准备一定要以实力为主,而不是靠背段子或者万能理由。背诵肯定是有用的,但全靠背诵是靠不住的。


  Imagine your university is going to allow citizens from nearby communities to audit classes in the same classrooms with students on campus, and these citizens will not be require to take any test or to do any assginment. Do you think it is a good idea? Explain why.


  Imagine that your university has decided to allow the general public to make full use of the university library. For a small yearly fee, non student members of the community will be able to check out books and other materials or use them in the library. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not.


  这两个题目就属于话题不同,但逻辑类似。其中无论是share the classrooms还是share the collection in the library都可以用相同的理由来回答,即学生已经觉得很多东西不那么easily available了,让人来share只会让一切变得更糟(will only make the situation worse)。但是,这两题也有不一样的细节需要讨论,比如citizens的考试和作业,以及citizens所交纳的yearly fees,这也是难点所在。恐怕也不是同学们平时准备过的内容。因此,小编要提醒大家一定要在考前看机经回忆,了解最近出的题目都问了哪些unexpected stuff。


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn much more from success than from failure.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior.


  这两个题目,其实是非常类似的。Why? 因为自己的good behavior被夸奖,对于孩子们来说,就是一种success;而如果自己的bad behavior被父母批评,对于孩子们来说,也不失为一种failure。区别在于,如果是回答第一个题目,我们恐怕不会举“孩子因为good behavior而被家长夸奖”这么复杂的例子,说点别的应该更省时间,也就能花更多的时间去做reasoning and explanation(这恰恰是托福考试的关键),然而如果被问到第二个问题,我们就需要话更多的时间来陈述facts,这个就对大家的语速有不小的考验。在平时的练习中,还是需要一边提高语速,一边保证语音语调的质量。还有就是平时的练习一定不要松懈哦!
