

2021-06-25 09:15:55编辑:景景

  雅思G类大作文考题分析-家庭作业    本文小编又为大家带来参考素材啦!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!环球教育雅思暑期班正在招生中,感兴趣的同学,可以咨询网站客服老师了解更多

  考题回忆:Some parents think that they should help their children with homework. Others think children should do their homework on their own. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




  范文:285 words

  People's views differ as to whether or not parents should help their children with homework. While parental involvment can be necessary, I believe that young students should be encouraged to finish homework independently.

  Parents should offer guidance and support when children have difficulties compeleting homework by themselves. For example, it might be challenging for young students to fully comprehend some newly taught conceptions in their homework, especially those from math and science. If parents can explain in detail, the youngsters would learn more effectively and become more confident in learning complicated subjects. Additionally, parents should help their children with homework that requires cooperation among family members. Some hands-on assignments like research papers, leaf collections and family tree projects can hardly be finished by school students on their own. In this case, parents' inspiration and engagement will play an important role in developing children's skills.

  On the other hand, I would argue that students should try to do homework on their own in most cases. Homework is designd to encourage independent learning and problem solving. When working through tasks alone, students need to apply the knowledge that they have learnt at school, which enables them to consolidate their understanding of each subject and then be better prepared for future studies. In contrast, if children were given answers directly by their parents, they would fail to increase thier knowledge and end up with poor academice performance. Besides, doing homework by themselves will help children develop an independent study habit that prepares them to work alone as adults.

  In conclusion, even though children sometimes benefit from parental support in the homework, I believe that they should do on their own as it is essential for improving their abilities.