

2021-05-24 17:39:49编辑:景景





  考题回忆总论点ivory-billed woodpecker几十年前被认为已经extinct了,但是最近又有人发现它们still alive, 并且有照片和声音录音为证


  分论点 1. 那些照片可能是其他woodpecker的照片

  分论点2. 科学家没有发现ivory-billed woodpeckers的巢穴

  分论点3. 那些记录下来的sound record可能是其他鸟类的叫声,甚至是gunshot的声音

  听力部分 分论点1. 虽然照片确实不能把特征全部展示出来,但是birds researcher and watcher是足够professional,能够判断对象是否为ivory-billed woodpeckers的

  分论点2. Ivory-billed woodpecker的数量很少,他们的巢穴分布范围很广,所以科学家不可能搜索那么大的地区。

  3. 栖息地并不适合gunshots生活,以前也没有猎人报告有 gunshot的存在,所以声音还是可能由ivory-billed woodpeckers发出的






  论点1. 本来拍野生动物就很难,想要拍出它们的区别就更不容易了,而且拍照片的是专业的鸟类学家,他们亲眼看到了这些区别,不可能认错。

  论点2. 这种鸟has low population of density, 它们的鸟巢经常间隔在25平方公里的范围,所以在大的森林里没发现鸟巢说明不了什么;

  论点3. 栖息地并不适合gunshots生活,以前也没有猎人报告有 gunshot的存在,所以声音还是可能由ivory-billed woodpeckers发出的

  参考范文The writer and the speaker have a debate on whether the extinct ivory-billed woodpecker. The writer points out that Ivory billed woodpeckers were thought to be extinct decades ago, but recently they have been found still alive, and there are photos and sound recordings to prove it

  First, the writer claims that they are very similar, and the distinguished features of these two kinds of birds cannot be seen from the photo. However, the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle. Although the photos can't show all the features, the researcher is professional enough to judge whether the object is Ivory billed woodpeckers.

  Secondly, the passage states that as Scientists did not find the nest of ivory billed woodpeckers, there is no evidence. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that this kind of bird has a low population of density, and its nests are often separated by 25 square kilometers, so it doesn't mean much that there is no nest in the big forest

  Last, the writer argues that the recorded sound records may be the calls of other birds, or even the sounds of gunshot. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. The habitat is not suitable for gunshots, and no hunter has reported the existence of gunshots before, so the sound may be emitted by ivory billed woodpeckers.
