

2021-05-11 17:02:21编辑:景景

  2021年5月8日托福【综合写作】回忆和解析含范文分享,本文由环球教育 武汉学校龚朝辉 整理点评,本次托福考试写作综合点评,这次托福考试写作部分整体难度适中。更多托福备考干货,请关注环球教育,环球托福提分课程正在火热报名中,有需要的同学可以联系网站客服预约试听哦

  综合写作重复 2016年12月11日的题目,独立写作重复2016年12月10日和2019年1月12日旧题。





  背景:犀牛角非常的珍贵,使得一些偷猎者大量猎杀犀牛,从而对犀牛的种群数量造成了严重的影响。为保护犀牛,人们提出要把犀牛运到别的栖息地(relocation plan),以防止偷猎者的捕杀。



  分论点二: 犀牛有紧密的种族社会关系。如果把犀牛迁徙到别处,就会造成公犀牛和母犀牛的数量失衡,影响繁殖; 此外,它们的种族纽带也会被切断。

  分论点三: relocation不能完全防止偷猎者猎杀犀牛,因为犀牛角的价值很高,所以就算把迁徙犀牛迁徙到另外的地方,偷猎者还是会紧跟,因此不能从根本上解决问题。


  分论点一: 虽然犀牛在运输途中可能到发生伤亡,但是死亡的犀牛数量比较小。尤其是把运输导致的犀牛死亡率和盗猎导致的犀牛死亡率做对比时,会发现运输途中犀牛死亡数量远低于盗猎者猎杀犀牛的数量。两项比较,还是relocation更好一些.


  分论点三:把犀牛运到别的地方,那里地域广阔,犀牛活动空间很大, 盗猎者在大面积的犀牛栖息地发现犀牛很困。而且,有些地方人很难通过,偷猎者无法到达。

  解题思路1. 确定听力与阅读的关系(反驳)

  2. 灵活使用写作模板,点对点比较


  The reading casts doubt on the effectiveness of the relocation plan designed to preserve rhinoceros species (which are in danger of becoming extinct), while the lecturer argues the problems mentioned in the reading about the relocation plan are not convincing, and that the plan is beneficial to the preservation of rhinos.

  First, the reading points out that there is a death rate of 5% for rhinos during the relocation process. The lecturer, however, dismisses this concern, claiming that compared with the number of killings committed by poachers, the number of deaths during relocation is relatively small.

  Second, the reading passage states that the relocation plan will disrupt not only the bonds between members of the rhino species but also the gender balance between male and female rhinos. However, the lecture contradicts this, pointing out that the right percentage of male and female rhinos will be chosen to keep gender balance before the relocation begins. Furthermore, those rhinos that have offspring to care for will not be transported to other places, so the bond between mothers and infants will not be affected.

  Finally, the reading says that given the enormous profits hunters can gain, the relocation method will not prevent poachers from hunting rhinos. The lecturer, however, argues that the designated habitats for relocated rhinos are huge, making it difficult for hunters to locate/find rhinos. Furthermore, some places are not even accessible to potential hunters. (234 words)
