1月10日托福考试口语【所有人都应该有权利上大学】高分示例!正在备考托福的学生可以参考,更多雅思托福备考资料可在关注公众号:雅托备考部落 查看往期文章 根据需要回复关键词 领取海量资料(百度网盘PDF可打印版)有需要的学生注意啦:
I propose that everyone should have the equality to attend college for the following reasons. To start off, nothing alike middle schools, college experience is beyond receiving knowledge from the lecturers. It’s more about the net-workings, connections, and opportunities you can gain and as offered by the institutions. Many times, you will meet lots of congenial friends who can help spark innovative ideas in your minds. Let along excellent professors who can serve as precious mentors along students’ future career and life journeys. These experience is only unique in universities and everyone should have the right to at least have a taste of it. In addition, college requires students’ self motivations to pursue knowledge. Back in secondary schools, the curriculums are generally fixed and chosen for the students. Undoubtfully, many times the students find the contents too boring to continue study for it. However, if allowed to chose their own major in college, they have a say in many decisions of the academic life. That’s why they will be more motivated to study better as a result.
congenial friends who can help spark innovative ideas 能激发我们灵感的志同道合的朋友
Let along 更不用提
precious mentors along students’ future career and life journeys 学生将来事业和人生旅程上的宝贵良师
pursue knowledge 追寻知识