12月19日托福考试独立写作【中学生应给被允许多一天假期】高分范文分享!更多备考资料可关注公众号:雅托备考部落 在后台回复资料关键词,直接领取!
Both primary shcools and high schools have been trying to create a less tight school schedulefor their students. Plently of solutions have been proposed, one of which is to increse the time span students spend at school by 90 minutes so that students can have one more day off, compared to the regular two-days holiday every week. However, I don’t really think it is a wise idea to stay bit longer at school each day in exchange of one more day to take a break.
The extra 90 mninutes spent each day at school can be seen wasted because scientifically speking, people have a phisical and mental limit to how long they can devote on working each day. Therefore, 90-minutes-more can be the last straw for students. Imagine what would have happened if an adult is informed to stay longer than usual at work. He would feel more exhausted and devasted than ever. Analogically, students, who mostly have weaker will than adults, can hardly stick to the new rule. Plus, with the current timetables adopted at most schools, students have already struggled concentrating fully in class. If schools decide to add more classes, for sure it will be understood poorly. In the end, such change may even disrupt the academic performances on classes in long term. Thus, one-day holiday gained at the cost of decreasing learning quality is evidently conformed to the original will of schools.
Not only is the extension in school time problematic for the students, parents also have troubles coping with the new schedule. In present times, the working schedule of parents matches up to that of their children in most of the circumstance. Parents can drop their child at school on their ways to work and pick them up after work. However, if school plans to add more classes each day, parents may have hard time meeting their child’s schedule. After all, it’s impossible to change their own working hours simply. Thus, parents may fail to come up with any new approaches to make sure their child having been taken good care of.
Admittedly, having one day more to take a rest for students seems attractive and ideal. Yet, it is unwise considering that it decreases the overall quality of school time and burdens the parents greatly.