

2020-09-14 10:03:10编辑:小羊



  作文题目:Today, advanced science and technology have made great changcs to people's lifc, but artists are still valued high such as musicians,painters and writers.What can the arts tell us about life that scicnce and technology cannot?

  范文:There is no doubt that science and technology have played a huge role in the development of society,particularly in the past few decades.Nevertheless,the arts comprise a group of essential fields that provide a variety of benefits for human civilization that cannot be mirrored through scicnce and technology.

  The arts consist of a wide range of domains ranging from music,painting and architecture to theatre,film, dance as well as literature.I can be argued that art is the basis of creativity,which allows human beings to express theiremotions through visual, auditory or performance activities.Furthermore, art is a mcans of providing individuals with motivation or an incentive to further

  their aspirations and achieve their innermost desires.Artistic worksalso capture infamous historical events and record the accomplishments of world-renowned figures by showcasing the masterpieces of brilliant minds throughout the centuries.Furthermore, art acts as a means of entertainment that embodies the customs of various culttres,Additionally, art captures people’s methods of thinking through language as a means of comimunication,which is esscntial for sharing thoughts and perspectives with one another. It can also be argued that science and technology would not exist without the ideas and perspectives art provides.

  All in all,art can be seen as a basis for the advancement of science and technology,providing a foundation for scicntific laws and clectronic devices that exist in this day and age.Art will continue to inspire the next generation of scientific breakthroughs and technological development for centuries to come.