Consumers nowadays are engulfed by advertisements due to business rivalries across almost aspects of life. I would say the trend has exerted detrimental influence in altering the consumption behavior of the general public; fortunately, we can take practical measures to tackles the repercussion.
One concomitant consequence can be a spending binge among the majority. In order to stand out from their competitors, many companies are prone to exaggerate the functions of the advertised products or services which are actually not significantly different from their counterparts. Sadly, susceptible audience are likely to fall victims of these marketing stunts and therefore buy more than they need. One convincing example can be seen when youngsters update their smart phones: lots of new models are not as fantastic in revolutionizing people’s lives as boasted in advertisements. To complicate matters even further, the impulsive purchase also leads to a throwaway society. When realizing the little difference between new purchases and the old ones at home, people usually end up throwing away their old ones in favor of new arrivals; many of the abandoned are still in mint condition.
However, the aforementioned problems can be tackled with administrative and educational perspectives. Firstly, governments can legislate against excessive advertising, for example by setting limits on the numbers of business announcements of the same category in media. Not to be left behind is to cultivate self-discipline among customers – the authority can constantly publicize the importance of rational consumption and environmental protection. Both solutions will help the populace resist the inducement of advertising.
I would conclude therefore, the advertisement bombardment will inevitably lead to an extravagant lifestyle, but the repercussion can be well addressed should the authority takes steps.
business rivalry 商业竞争
repercussion 不良后果
concomitant 同步发生的
a spending binge 乱消费
susceptible 易受影响的
stunt 噱头
mint 近全新的
legislate against 立法反对
self-discipline 自我约束
populace 大众