

2020-09-01 11:12:46编辑:小羊




  同意与否:To what extent do you agrec or disagrcc?

  双边讨论:Discuss both vicws and give your own opinion.




  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

  The statistics (measured as a percentage) of people’s drinking and buying habits on coffec and tcea in five Australian citics from a survcy is indicated by this bar chart.

  To bcgin with,44%rcsidcnts in Sydncy bought frcsh coffec in last 4 wecks, a bit highcr than Melbourne (43%) and Hobart(38%) respectivcly.Nearly 35%of people living in Adclaidc did the samc thing slightly morc than Brisbanc (34%).

  Additionally, in tcrms of thosc who bought instant coffcc in last 4 wecks,figurcs of all five citics are higher than 45%,with Hobart accounting for the highest proportion at 54%,followed by Brisbane(53%),Adelaide (50%),Melbourne(48%) and Sydncy(46%)

  in a decrcasing ordcr.

  Morc intcrestingly, as for people who went to a café for coffcc or tca in last 4 wccks,proportions of 4 citics are morce than a half, with Melbournc occupying the largcst pcrcentage at 64%,Hlobart 63%,Sydncy 61%, and Brisbanc a littlc more than55%.Mcanwhilc,the figurc of Adclaide is a slightly lower than 50%.

  In summary, in 4 citics excludingAdclaidc, thc most popular habit is going to a café for coffec or tca since related figurcs are noticcably higher than the other two options.In the mcanfime, in Adclaidlc instant coffec is prevalent because almost half local people chosc it during last 4 wccks.In contrast, purchasing fresh coffec is thc last choice for peoplc in all thesc 5 citics.

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