

2020-02-17 08:58:25编辑:素素


  写作提分的第一步,是了解目标分数对应的评分标准要求。本期,搬运国外雅思学习网站ieltpodcast范文分析过来,通过逐句分析范文在TR、CC、LR、GRA的表现,帮助大家理解评分标准,了解现有水平与目标分数的差距,明确努力方向。以下范文为6.5分,大家应学习批改意见,积累话题ideas和topic vocabulary,目标7+考生尤其要注意learn from mistakes,如果你也有文中指出的各种问题,那么发现并避免它们,就是提分的突破口。




  题目:Some people believe that employees should stay in the same job for the rest of their lives. Others think they should switch jobs at least once during their career. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  正文:Recently majority of individuals has become more aware (用recently和majority of individuals改述不够自然,可以用These days...most young people...)of what university program they have to pursue, in order to launch a great career that will lead them to acquire a high salary in the future and that will achieve the life (准确使用了固定搭配pursue a course of study, launch a career) that they have been dreaming for (搭配错误,应该是dream of sth). However, staying in one company or running just one business it (句子结构错误,应去掉it) must be changeable in this century, to make people life (people's lives) more interesting and stimulating. yet, a small numbers of people believes that working at the same job from the beginning until the end of their life its (句子结构错误,去掉its,用is) better than working in a different spots with different skills from while to while (应该是from time to time). In contrast (连接词使用恰当), other folks (这个词不适合用于正式写作) thinks its crucial to make alterations and changes in your life positions. However, in this essay I will analyze both sides of the argument before presenting my opinion (扣题不错,改写题目并概括全文).



  firstly, Some people thinks (大写、主谓一致,语法错误) that it is good for the employees to continue working for their current employer throughout their life extension (这个表达很奇怪,应该是their working lives或their careers) / (论点扣题). nevertheless (连接词使用不当), being in a stable career for a long period will boost the employer skills and qualifications that will lead to a convenient life. A prime example of that (用这个短语来引出例子很好) / (举例论述很好) will be a study by the Harvard university that indicates 50 percent of the American professional (这里应该用复数) who have been working in the same job for over 20 years (准确使用了从句和现在完成进行时) have superior salary package (应该用复数) and great senior positions.


  补充:这个段落的突出优点是话题词汇丰富准确,用不同方式替换了题目中的关键词,例如题中的stay in the same job for the rest of their lives,被替换成了continue working for their current employer throughout thier careers, being in a stable career for a long period, have been working in the same job for over 20 years等,对论点中提到的“good for employees”也用恰当的短语搭配进行了解释,如boost skills and qualifications, have superior salary packages, senior positions. 目标7+考生还可以学习用a prime example of that代替常用的for example.

  Secondly, on the contrary (引出论点方式恰当), other folks believes that altering your job consider as a life changing to extend (句子意思不清晰) the numerous opportunities toacquire loads of new skills (acquire skills是正确的搭配,但loads of不适合用于写作), new friends ties and new different job locations which will lead you to travel around the country or the world. To illustrate, recent world bank studies showed that (这种引出例子的方式很好) 44% of the workers who have been switching their position have a significant health (这个表达不自然,应该用are in good health或have few health issues)according to the yearly medical surveys. Foretheremore, companies prefer the independent employer who has the courage to obtain skills which they need from his own experience via communicating and involving in a major operations and meeting others who are in a high position to gain the knowledge and the experience that they had (furthermore拼写错误,句子不连贯).



  To recapitulate (语言组织恰当), working in one place for a long time is not an enormous problem but for a better and entertainment (entertainment是名词,这里应该用enjoyable或rewarding) life, people should spend their career life by feeling satisfiedwhich will be with tempt a new experience (不够连贯) from while to while. however, I Personally (大小写错误) believe that navigate (词性错误)from a place to another is suitable for everyone and should everybody to try (everyone should try) different things not only about career life.


