Nowadays,children spend too much fime watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental alilltiese. To what extent do you agree or disagree?看电视和玩游戏的影响考生都没有问题,但是这篇文章强周的是对于孩子的mental billties的影响,这个很多考生就会觉得很懵,也不太搞得明白mental aliltis倒底是指什么能力。3月14日的考题: Newspapers have an enormous influence on people's ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?和3月23日的考题: Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?这两场的考题都是连续聚焦在相对抽象的精神和意识层面的,-方面会给学生的构思增加难度,另一方面也增加了对题目范围的限定,从而增加了考生可能跑题的风险。
在论证雅思大作文时,很多考生也是会遇到问题的,如何围绕自己的观点能展开有效的论证是很多考生头疼的地方。这里需要考生注意的是论述时应该针对题目的问题进行解答,即文章应有清晰明了的立场,围绕这个立场展开论述。在展开论述时,要有逻辑,整篇文 章要有清晰的层层推进的论述。这就要求主体段的段落结构必须清晰,每个主体段都应有主旨句开头,再具体用举例等方式展开论述。但考生在展开论述时常常出现论述跳跃、缺乏逻辑和解释不足的情况。如这个段落: Sport is so important because small countries such as Holland in soccer or Kenya in athletics can become a major focus of international attention. Of course this attention is not always positive,for example when Ben Johnson got banned in the 1988 Olympics for taking drugs. It is interesting to note that although Manchester United Is popular throughout the world many people in Britain hate them.根据第一句主旨句,很容易判断出这个段落主要论述的是体育的重要性,但在段落中的两个例子其实与主旨句的内容毫不相关,并不能很好地证明这个观点。其次,这个段落句子之间的联系不紧密,思维跳跃,考生也没有针对这个观点给出全面的论述,提供足够的解释。