
雅思大作文Discussion 双边讨论类开头要怎么写呢?

2019-08-26 17:36:58编辑:小梦



  Discussion 双边讨论类

  题目1:Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  看到有这种 discuss both views 即是双边讨论类题型,需要我们在写作中给出两方的观点。首先我们来确定这篇文章的话题。通过读题可以发现,这篇文章主要讨论的是 study in groups or alone。所以我们通过对背景句(题目第1句话)的改写,可以得到开头段的首句:

  People have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone.

  然后我们给出自己的一个态度或观点,比如 sometimes better alone, usually better in a group,将之扩展为一句话:

  While there are some benefits to studying independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.

  就此,我们写好了这道题目的开头段:People have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to studying independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.


  people have different views 替换 some people think…, while others believe...

  group study / group work 替换 study in groups

  as opposed to 替换 while,但要注意句式的变化

  independently 替换 alone

  productive 替换 effective
