雅思口语“通关秘籍"之表达偏爱篇 本文为大家分享一些词汇及表达,供各位同学参考!更多雅思口语备考攻略及干货,请关注环球教育
Do youprefer…?
Would yourather…?
Is itbetter to…
Which is better/more…?
Given the choice, I’d have to say…
【例句】Giventhe choice, I’d have tosay that I prefer to living in the countryside and lead a pastoral life.
If I had totake a pick, I’d favor/go for…
【例句】If had to take a pick, I’d go for listening to a live concert.
Comparativelyspeaking, I’d prefer…
【例句】Comparatively speaking, I’d prefer to do shopping in a big shopping mall.
Compare A withB, I think I’d prefer…
【例句】Compare life in the city with life in the countryside,I think I’d preferthe latter one.
In comparisonwith..., I think I’d choose…
【例句】In comparison with writing by hand, I think I’d choose typing on the computer.
If taking thefactors of …and…into consideration, I guess I’d choose …
【例句】Iftaking the factor of life pace and living expense into consideration, I guess I’d choose to live in a small place.
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