

2021-05-17 09:33:27编辑:景景

  2021年5月15日雅思阅读机经考题回忆含参考文章  本文为大家整理2021年 5月15 日雅思阅读考题——来自朴新国际教育考试院 & 环球教育 深圳学校 周丹老师


  Passage One

  新旧情况:旧 题材:社科 题目:噪音 题型: 填空+匹配+单选

  文章大意: 讲了噪音的介绍以及噪音各方面的影响。

  答案回忆:  1-5 待回忆 6. 85 dBA 7. high-frequency 8. stomach problems 9. noise maps 10. 待回忆 11. D 12. C 13. D (答案仅供参考)

  参考文章:  人们每天都会encounter各种噪音,而超过85分贝的噪音都是hazardous( detrimental)的。噪音已经是很多职业当中的most prevalent impairment--尤其是从事construction、mining、manufacturing等职业的人,因为对噪音的prolonged exposure,在senior age时会大概率的患听障疾病。  研究表明一个carpenter的听力只相当于一个7岁的正常小孩,不过好在如果他cease(halt)了对噪音的接触,听力会很快复原。即使是正常小孩,因为平时接触 stereo、concert、firework等产生的excessive(high volume of)噪音,在分辨高的 frequency声音上也有困难。  噪音还会产生一些non-auditory影响,比如血压和心率的elevation,或stomach contraction(unease)。很多学校在靠近公路的教室墙壁上install了隔音板后,学生的score明显提高了。

  环保人士一直在prompt(urge)政府不但要增加对噪音研究的fund,还要对噪音建立rigid(strict)regulation--毕竟authority有责任curb (inhibit) 噪音对人的危害。

  Passage Two

  新旧情况: 旧 题材:生物  题目:复活灭绝动物 题型:段落匹配+填空+人名匹配

  文章大意:  本篇文章节选自2013年4月美国国家地理,1813年,自然学家在美国曾目睹过这样的miraculous phenomena(spectacular scene):数万只旅鸽blanket(darken)了天空,仿佛发生了 eclipse,它们的翅膀煽动声震耳欲聋。人们全副武装,朝着天空incessantly射击,旅鸽如雨点般纷纷陨落。在这种类似的relentless massive scale屠杀后,旅鸽的数量迅速dwindle,1900年正式灭绝。  旅鸽,渡渡鸟,猛犸象等只是被人类drive到灭绝的长长名单上的一小部分。近年来越来越多的物种被endanger,眼看这些名单上将有更多的company,科学家在一部科幻电影中找到了能reverse这个趋势的唯一方法。  电影中描述有只mosquito吸了恐龙的血,随后被树脂淹没。千万年后科学家找到了这个fossilizedamber,小心地extract其中的血液得到了了破损的恐龙基因。再用与恐龙基因compatible的reptilian,avian or amphibian 基因来填补破损部分,制造出了一大批恐龙。为了contain数量,公园所有的恐龙都是绝育后的雌性。但是后来发现恐龙已经能自我繁殖了--因为修补基因中采用了青蛙的基因,而很多青蛙在单性环境中会spontaneously mutate成异性。

  答案回忆: 27. iii 28. iv 29. i 30. 待回忆 31. 待回忆 选择4道 匹配5 (答案仅供参考)

  参考文章: Tanddutrate spacinen Regiona Coamment at Arspon Span   BYCARLZIMMER  PHOTOGRAPHS BY ROBB KENDRICK

  Passage Three 新旧情况:旧 题材:社科 题目:短信与电视 题型:段落匹配+单选+人名匹配

   文章大意:  Texting the Television  如今在欧洲短信已经overtake(exceed)(surpass)电子邮箱,成了年轻的观众与电视节目interact的主要方式(overview of a booming business)。这归功于“真人秀”的boom,因为viewer不但能参与comment,他们的voting还能决定节目的最终结果(their participation could change the outcome) .  短信生意非常lucrative(generates huge revenue),移动运营商根据短信数量收取 premium,并retain一半的费用,其余的bonus share分给节目制作商与电视台。 inevitably节目制作商与电视台会complain,所以他们正在积极建立自己的 database,目的是bypass移动运营商,与观众建立直接的billing(charging)关系。但电视台天生劣势--相对于手机90%的市场penetrationrate,电视只有40%,而且手机上的application可以迅速安装,所以电视台目前在想办法往电视机顶盒内 install 短信功能(build a embedded message platform)。  短信与电视的union(alliance)之所以如此成功还得感谢移动运营商的不思进取--在“保护现有的margin”与“允许新的medium崛起”两者间选择,前者似乎更省心。不过如今因为电视台的反抗,运营商一改之前不愿多分利润的reluctant(unwilling)的态度,公开了收费标准来显示transparency(clarity)(anew perspective towards sharing the business opportunities )。

  答案回忆:  28-32 段落匹配 28.ii 29.vi 30.vii 31.i 32.v  33-35 单选 33.A 34.D 35.C  36-40 人名匹配 36.D 37.E 38.A 39.C  7  40.F  (答案仅供参考)

  参考文章:   Texting the Television   A Once upon a time, if a television show with any self-respect wanted to target a young audience, it needed to have an c-mail address. However, in Europe's TV shows, such addresses are gradually substituted by telephone numbers so that audiences can text the show from their mobile phones. Therefore, it comes as no shock that according to Gartner's research, texting has recently surpassed Internet usage across Europe. Besides. among the many uses of text messaging, one of the fastest-growing uses is to interact with television. The statistics provided by Gartner can displav that 20% of French teenagers, 11% in Britain and 9% in Germany have responded to TV programmes by sending a text message.   B This phenomenon can be largely attributed to the rapid growth of reality TV shows such reality shows are now open to textmessage voting, and in some shows like the latest series of Norway's Big Brother', most votes are collected in this manner. But TV- texting isn't just about voting. News shows encourage viewers to comment by texting messages; game shows enable the audience to be part of the competition, music shows answer requests by taking text messages; and broadcasters set up on-screen chatrooms. TV audiences tend to sit on the sofa with their mobile phones right by their sides, and *it's a supernatural way to interact."says Adam Daum of Gartner.   C Mobile service providers charge appreciable rates for messages to certain numbers, Brother'as an example. lt brought about 5.4m text-message votes and f1.35m (S2.1m) of rival videos, and induces up to 40,000 texts per hour and each one of those texts costs60.30(S0.29).according to a consultancy based in Amsterdam. The Belgian quiz show'1 Against 100 had an eight-round texting match on the side, which brought in 110,000 participants in one month, and each of them paid 0.50 for each question. In Spain, a cryptic-crossword clue invites the audience to send their answers through text at the expense of 1, so that they can be enrolled in the poll to win a 300 prize. Normally, 6,000 viewers would participate within one dav.  At the moment, TV-related text messaging takes up a considerable proportion of mobile service providers' data revenues In July,MmO2(a British operaor) reported an unexpectedly satisfactory result, which could be attributed to the massive text waves created rest is divided among the broadcaster, the programme producer and the company which supplies the message-processing technology. So far, revenues generated from text messages have been an indispensable part of the business model for various shows. Obviously, there has been grumbling that the providers take too much of the share. Endemol, the Netherlands-based production firm that is responsible for many reality TV shows including Big Brother, has begun constructing its own database for mobile-phone users. It plans to set up a direct billing system with the users and bypass the providers.   D How come the joining forces of television and text message tum out to be this successful? One crucial aspect is the emergence of one-of-a-kind four, five- or six-digit numbers known as 'short codes Every provider has control over its own short codes, but not until recently have they come to realise that it would make much more sense to work together to offer short codes compatible with all networks. The emergence of this universal short codes was a game-changer, because short codes are much easier to remember on the screen, according to Lars Becker of Flytxt, a mobile-marketing company.   E Operators' co-operation on enlarging the market is by a larger trend, observes Katrina Bond of Analysys, a consultancy. When challenged by the dilemma between holding on tight to their margins and permitting the emergence of a new medium, no providerhas ever chosen the latter. WAP, a technology for mobile-phone users to read cut-down web pages on their screens, failed because of service providers' reluctance towards revenue- sharing with content providers. Now that they have learnt their lesson, they are altering the way of operating. Orange, a French operator, has come such a long way as to launch a rate card for sharing revenue of text messages, a new level of transparency that used to be unimaginable.   F At a recent conference, Han Weegink of CMG, a company that offers the television market text-message infrastructure, pointed out that the television industry is changing in a subtle yet fundamental way Instead of the traditional one-way presentation, more and more TV shows are now getting viewers'