托福词汇 | 5分钟帮你搞定学科词汇【第4期】—— 文学类 上一期的文章,我们介绍了Humanity science(人文科学)下属的艺术类分支,大家应该都还有印象吧。但是艺术类囊括的内容其实远远不止我们上期列举出来的单词,所以大家在日常的练习中如果遇到相关的单词也可以主动积累下来丰富自己的库存哦。
Play n剧本
Fiction n小说
(TPO3 lecture2 Painlevé, on the other hand, as we said before, mixed in elements of fiction.)
Realistic fiction
Historical fiction历史小说
Mystery 怪诞小说
Fantasy/fairy tales 童话
Science fiction 科幻小说
Non-fiction n纪实文学
Biography n传记
Autobiography /ˌɔ:təbaɪˈɑ:grəfi/ n自传体小说
(TPO34 conversation2 But Welty said in the interview we listened to and in her autobiography that her worst stories were the ones where she tried to write about people or places that were unfamiliar to her.)
Information n通知
Newspaper n新闻报道
Reference n查阅,参考书目
Detective novel 侦探小说
River novel 长篇小说
Humorous novel 幽默小说
Love story 爱情故事
Folk tale 民间故事,民间传说
(TPO20 lecture3 I think anyway, about the culture and the connection between folk tales and culture, which we'll talk about.)
Poetry n诗歌
Epic poetry 史诗
而一部合格的文学作品,通常都是要包含以下几个必不可少的元素的,才会吸引相对多的读者,这些元素到底是什么呢?就让我们来看看elements of literature吧:
Theme /θi:m/ n主体思想
Plot /plɑ:t/ n情节
Setting /ˈsetɪŋ/ n情节背景
Characterization /ˌkærəktəraɪˈzeɪʃn/ n人物描绘,人物塑造
Conflict / ˈkɑ:nflɪkt/ n冲突
Mood /mu:d/ n气氛,氛围
Style n风格
Tone n语气,风格
Point of view 态度,观点,意见
Antithesis /ænˈtɪθəsɪs/ n对偶
Metaphor /ˈmetəfə(r)/ n暗喻
(TPO19 passage2 Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor.)
Simile /ˈsɪməli/ n明喻
Irony /ˈaɪrəni/ n反语
(TPO8 lecture4 And you know here's an incredible irony, Ida Tacke, the chemist led the Masurium team)
Metonymy /məˈtɑ:n əmi/ n借代
Parallelism /ˈpærəlelɪzəm/ n排比
Personification / pərˌsɑ:n ɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ n拟人
Analogy /əˈnælədʒi/ n类比
(TPO24 lecture2 I think the best analogy to modern dance is modern art or modern music. Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, more experimental, more improvisational.)
Understatement /ˈʌndərsteɪtmənt/ n含蓄陈述
Best seller 畅销书
The complete works 全集
Edition /ɪˈdɪʃn/ n版本,版次
Copyright /ˈkɑ:piraɪt/ n版权
Deluxe binding /ˌdəˈlʊks / /ˈbaɪndɪŋ/ 精装
Flat stitching 平装
Smyth sewed 线装
Publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ n出版,发行
Issue /ˈɪsju:/ n期刊号
Magazine /ˈmægəzi:n/ n杂志