

2021-02-10 16:29:03编辑:素素

  2月6日雅思考试大写作范文,题型类别:利弊分析类,题材类别 :社会话题,范文由环球教育加拿大籍老师 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创造,仅供学术交流。下面和上名校小编一起来详细的看一看吧!

  A 类大作文

  作文题目:Nowadays, it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is this a positive or negative development?

  类似旧题:Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Do you think the positive effects exceed the negative effects?



  Travelling domestically and internationally are becoming more widespread in this day and age with airlines adding routes to new destinations on a weekly basis and tourism enterprises popping up everywhere. Nevertheless, this phenomenon has a wide range of effects, both beneficial and detrimental, which will be further discussed.

  As for the merits, travelling to other nations allows citizens to more conveniently explore the cultures, customs and traditions that various regions have to offer. This can make individuals more worldly by expanding their worldview, not to mention increase cultural awareness and reduce culture clash or conflict between people of various races. Furthermore, increased travelling creates jobs in the tourism industry including airlines, travel agencies and vendors at local tourist attractions.

  On the contrary, a significant drawback is the spread of viruses, which can be highly contagious, particularly when passengers are cooped up in airplane cabins, trains or buses where they cannot practice social distancing. Furthermore, most modes of transportation emit large amounts of pollution, leading to considerable environmental damage of the ozone layer and animal habitats. Moreover, tourism might very well lead to job creation, however, these positions may not be secure, consist of benefits and welfare or they may only be seasonal, lasting during high season.

  All in all, tourism is a double-edged sword as it brings a range of benefits for cultural exchange, the free movement of people and goods as well as creates a variety of positions in the tourism industry. Nevertheless, these jobs may not be high-quality, viruses can spread very quickly, creating worldwide pandemics, and the global pollution situation has been exacerbated.

  (In total: 266 words )