

2020-11-10 17:49:45编辑:景景






  VERB (用手)打;掌掴

  【英文释义】If you smack someone, you hit them with your hand.

  【例句】She smacked me on the side of the head. 她狠狠地拍了一下我的脑袋。

  VERB 令人想起;类似于;含有…的意味

  【英文释义】If one thing smacks of another thing that you consider bad, it reminds you of it or is like it.

  【例句】The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism. 工程师联盟对这项提议感到很不满,称该提议有点种族主义的味道。

  PHRASE 咂嘴(尤指吃前或吃后,表示很想吃或吃得很香)

  【英文释义】If you smack your lips, you open and close your mouth noisily, especially before or after eating, to show that you are eager to eat or enjoyed eating.

  【例句】'I really want some dessert,' Keaton says, smacking his lips. “我真的很想吃点儿点心,”基顿咂着嘴说。





  VERB (潮水或海水)退,落

  【英文释义】When the tide or the sea ebbs, its level gradually falls.

  【例句】When the tide ebbs it's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans. 退潮时,它便成为甲壳动物居住的岩石区潮水潭。

  VERB 衰退;减退;减弱

  【英文释义】If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears.

  【例句】...as a man's physical strength ebbs... 随着人体力的衰退

  ebb away






  VERB (小孩)长得穿不下(衣服)

  【英文释义】If a child outgrows a piece of clothing, they grow bigger, so that it no longer fits them.

  【例句】She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones. 她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。

  VERB 因长大而放弃(以前的行为或想法)

  【英文释义】If you outgrow a particular way of behaving or thinking, you change and become more mature, so that you no longer behave or think in that way.

  【例句】The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion. 这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。





  VERB 溺爱;娇纵

  【英文释义】To coddle someone means to treat them too kindly or protect them too much.

  【例句】She coddled her youngest son madly... 她对小儿子过于溺爱。