篇章结构P1—P2: 由电影场景的介绍引入电影《娇娃们》想要探索的是女孩们如何探索世界,而不是让人们来评判她们。P3:《娇娃们》因其“色情内容”被人们批判。P4:对《娇娃们》的批判反映的是一种的政治阴谋。
重点单词high-rise /'hai'raiz/ adj. 有多层的;高楼的n. 高楼【例句】So the bumpiness, the rising high altitude, and the long duration of these two things made this short distance of the road the toughest.崎岖不平的道路,逐步升高的海拔,和很长的持续时间使这段路程成为了最艰难的一段。
modesty /'m ɒ d ɪ st ɪ / n. 谦虚, 谦逊【例句】She accepted their congratulations with becoming modesty.她不卑不亢地接受了他们的祝贺。
banlieue /'b ɔ ŋ 'lj ə :/ n. 郊区【例句】Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have "no pity". 有人警告菲利佩说暴力街区的青年不值得“怜悯”。
dazzle /'dæz( ə )l/ n. 耀眼的光;灿烂vt. 使……目眩;使……眼花【例句】Such prospects almost dazzled the young girl.如此光辉的前景几乎使小姑娘眼花缭乱。
crop top 露脐上衣【例句】There are few times that I feel more confident about my body than when I wear a crop top and my boobs are showing and my legs are showing, says Holly, a college student. I never feel more liberated.当我穿露脐装秀胸秀腿的时候我觉得很自信,无拘无束,其他时间很少有这种感觉。
hysterical /hɪ'sterɪk(ə)l/ adj. 情绪异常激动的, 歇斯底里般的【例句】He veered between calm acceptance and hysterical accusations.他时而泰然处之,时而歇斯底里地指责。
evermore /evə'mɔː/ adv. 始终, 永久【例句】He swore to love her for evermore.他发誓永远爱她。
choreography /ˌkɒrɪ'ɒgrəfɪ/ n. 舞蹈动作的设计者adj. 舞蹈艺术的【例句】His style of choreography is flamboyant.他的舞蹈设计风格是复杂夸张的。
backlash /'bæklæʃ/ n. 强烈反应, 对抗性反应;后冲, 反撞; 后坐力【例句】A modest backlash is under way, in an unexpected quarter.温和反弹正以一个让人意想不到的方式进行。
low-grossing利润低的backlash /'bæklæʃ/ n. 强烈反应, 对抗性反应;后冲, 反撞; 后坐力【例句】Villar fears there will be a political backlash.维拉尔还担心会出现政治冲击。
attorney general首席检察官;司法部长【例句】We had a long meeting with the attorney general. 我们和首席检察官开了一个长会。
pornography /pɔː'nɒgrəfɪ/ n. 色情描绘, 色情表演;色情作品【例句】In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.在该国, 色情书画曾一度在黑市出售。
conspiracist共谋者;阴谋论者【例句】I rather think they'd be inclined to view you as a potential conspiracist in a murder.我想他们肯定会把你当成谋杀的嫌疑犯。
inappropriate /ɪnə'prəʊprɪət/ adj. 不恰当的, 不适宜的【例句】This treatment was singularly inappropriate in her case.就她的情况来说这种治疗方法极不适合。
carefree /'keəfriː/ adj. 无忧无虑的;不负责的
This carefree interlude reacted upon the young people like wine.
sorority /sə'rɒrɪtɪ/ n. 妇女联谊会;女学生联谊会
A sorority member offered a rushee a cigarette.
thorny /'θɔːnɪ/ adj. 痛苦的;多刺的;令人苦恼的
The young captain is pondering over a thorny problem.
hijack /'haɪdʒæk/ vt. 劫持, 绑架;拦路抢劫
The plane was hijacked soon after it took off.
subtlety /'sʌt(ə)ltɪ/ n. 微妙;敏锐;精明
I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original.
feature film正片,故事片;长片