

2020-09-01 11:00:45编辑:小羊




  1. Some people think that getting old is cntircly bad,while others think that life of thecldcrly in modcrn world is much bcttcr than in thc past.Discuss both vicws and givcyour own opinion.

  2 ‘Thc world has many towns and citics constructcd in previous ccnturics that wcrcsuitable and livable for people in those timcs.What problems will thesc ancicnt towns cause today? And what shoul be donc to dcal with that?

  3. Some people argue that the devclopment of technology is making our lives toocomplcx, and the solution is for evcryone to acccpt a simpler way of lifc with outusing that technology.To what extent do you agree or disagrec?

  4. Some scicntists belicve that intelligcnt lifc forms may cxist on other plancts andsome want to send messagc to contact them. Others think it is a bad idca because thesc lifc forins may bc too dangcrous.Discuss both vicws and give your ownopinion.

  5.Some people think any governmental moncy spent on supporting artists (e.g.musicians, pocts, and paintcrs) can be bctter uscd for other more important things.lo what cxtcnt do you agrcc or disagrcc? 20170909

  6.Some pcoplc think thcy have right to usc as much frcsh watcr as thcy want, whilc others bclicve that governmcnts should strictly control thc usc of frcsh watcr as it is limited rcsource.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  7. People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors.To what extent do you agree or disagrec?

  8.Differences betwecn countries are becoming less evident.Nowadays, around the world pcoplc can scc thc same films,fashion, brands, advcrtiscmcnts and Tv channcls.To what cxtcnt do thc advantagcs outwcigh the disadvantagcs?

  9.Childrcn’s cducation is expensive and the govcrnments of some countrics pay some of or all of the costs.Do advantagcs of this outweigh its disadvantages?

  10. Rescarches show that overcating is as harmful as smoking.lhcrcforc, advertising for food products should be banned, in the same way as the cigarctte advertising is banned in many countrics.To what cxtcnt do you agrec or disagrec? 20141113

  11.Mobilc phoncs havc madc our lives casicr: anyonc can usc a mobilc phonc to answcr or make work calls or home calls at any placc 7 days a week.Do you think this development has morc positivc cffects or negative cffects on thc incividuals and socicty?

  12.Some pcoplc think the sprcad of multinational companics and globalization producc positive cffects on cvcryonc.To what cxtcnt do you agrcc or disagrcc?

  13. In most citics and towns, thc high volumes of road traffic become a problcm.What arc thc causcs of that? And what actions can bc takcn to solvc the problem?

  14. In some countries, it is illegal for cmploycrs to reject job applications for jobscekcrs' agcs.Is it a positive or ncgative development?

  15.Scicnce can tell us some activitics are good for our hcalth, whilc somc arc bad. Despitc knowing that, millions of people all over the world continuc with unhealthy activitics.Why is this the casc? And how to change this situation?

  16. Machincs become sophisticated, and they arc replacing physical work.Do thc advantagcs outweigh the disadvantagcs?

  17.Somc pcoplc think only studcnts who achicvc thc bcst rcsults should bc rcwardcd, while others think it is more important to rcward studcnts who gct hugc improvcment.Discuss both vicws and givc your own opinion.

  18.Some pcople think governments should focus on reducing cnvironmental pollution and housing problems to help pcople prevent illncss and discasc.To what cxtcnt do you agrcc or disagrcc?

  19.Some pcople suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possiblc.To what extcnt do you agrcc or disagrec?

  20.Some working parents tend to send thcir children to childcare centcrs becausc they think their childrcn can get good carc therc.However, other parcnts think some family membcrs like grandparcnts can do this job.Discuss both views and give your