雅思写作语法备考,句子主要成分先写好:主题句(topic sentence)要写好(更多雅思语法课程咨询可在线联系客服老师咨询近期开班详情)
例1 What's more, the outer space research should be maintained for its adventures, By adventures I mean that the astronauts are risking their lives. lt is true that some astronauts like those in challenger are devoted to the space programme. So, whether space research is valuable for welfare of human beings isalso a controversial problem.
而这里的" for its adventures"就只能理解为:为了探险(这里用词不当)。接下来支持句说:宇航员在冒生命的危脸,进而提到挑战者号的宇航员们为大空事业献出生命。最后,得出结论太空研究对于人类的幸福是否具有价值这一问题仍然具有争议性。
What's more, the outor space research should be restricted to a certain extent,for we have paid too heavy costs in the past 40 years. Astronauts are risking life and limb in probing into the unknown frontier. On January 28, 1986, with an unquenchable desire to explore the mysterious and beautiful universe, seven star voyagers of the space shuttle Challenger embarked onto the miraculous universe yet lost their lives in the ensuing explosion only 70 seconds after the launching.
Those unparalleled scientists devoted themselves to the space shuttle program,which is an all-time loss to our universe program.Hence, in order to prevent such atragedy from recurring, more scientific work on space programme should be done before we finger the infinite universe again.