疫情期间雅思考场关闭,托福推出的“Special Home Edition ”成为了目前最正规、行之最有效的考试方式。学生在家即可轻松参与托福线上考试!为了帮助同学们更好的准备托福考试,我们每周开设2次免费的托福公益课程,更会定时发布托福备考指导文章!对于想考托福的同学来说,绝对是干货满满哦!
第二期:听力(主旨题 Main idea)
托福听力的主旨题需要考生从全文角度,获取全文大意与重点,因此对于整体理解能力、上下文联系的能力都有直接的考察。做好主旨题,需要关注文章开头部分的提示,以及各个部分的中心概念。 此类题型的常见描述为: What is the lecture/conversation mainly about? 比如下面这道题:
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The structure of the blind mole rats' underground tunnel system. B. How blind mole rates find their way back to their nests. C. Whether some animals use Earth's magnetic field for navigation. D. Whether blind mole rats have more than one navigation system. 对应到原文的段落为: 教授在开始部分提到过... Let's look at one more species and how it finds its way through its environment. The species we'll look at is the blind mole rat.
之后的内容中主要讲解的是mole rat如何寻找路线,因此正确答案应该选B。