

2020-05-07 16:34:04编辑:景景

  这些天,国际上疫情风起云涌,而国内的疫情在很大程度上已经得到基本控制。所以今天和大家分享一篇来自ChinaDaily的文章“Whatthe world should look like in post-virus era”,ByMahendra Subedi 2020-04-16


  此外,这个era也是写作常见词汇,意思是一个时代,可数名词。在大作文开头段介绍背景的时候比较常见。例如:Inthe era of … 在这个…的时代。


  Yet, despite the hue and cry, and the accompanying accusations, China has largely contained local transmissions.

  1、这个despite在写作中很常见,而且更重要的是它很常错。错的原因就是它怎么看都不像一个介词,但是它偏偏确实是一个介词。所以各位切记,不要在这个词后面加一些乱七八糟的成分,只能加名词性成分。其实它的用法和介词短语in spite of大体相同。正如这个例句的用法,despite后面连接的两个并列的名词成分。

  再例如:Onthe other hand, despite succeeding in flattening the curve, Japan isunder a month-long state of emergency to check the rising number ofinfections. 也是来至于这篇文章的一句话。Succeeding一个动名词结构,归根结底地说还是一个名词性结构,被接在了despite后面。


  But the news from the subcontinent isn't promising, as fears loom large that India, the second-most populous country in the world, is likely to become another hotbed of infections because the Indian government was slow to respond to the virus threat and has tested far fewer people than necessary.

  1、其实population这个词大家都认识,但是只要它变化一点点,大家就开始各种不熟悉了。比如这句话里面出现的populous,形容词,人口众多的。 其实popular, popularize这个形容词和动词也和population有关。而populate这个动词更是极少在大家的文章中出现。还有名词性populace大众,平民。由于这几个词性大家只是不熟悉,在使用的时候并不存在什么难度,所以大家自己翻看下字典就可以一目了然了。



  The tourism industry in most countries is idle. Grassroots people and lower middle-income groups have become more vulnerable.

  1、这句话里面对于人群做了不同划分,其实在写作的过程中,这几个词也可以非常常见。Grassroots,顾名思义,草根群体。Low-income groups, 低收入人群,以此类推middle-income, high-income groups分别为中等收入和高收入人群。Vulnerable / disadvantaged groups 弱势群体。这些词汇在写作里面都比较容易出现。


  Against this backdrop, the global public health crisis will result in massive unemployment which will increase poverty and social disorder, reduce industrial outputs, and cause serious setbacks to both the demand and supply chains.

  1、Against this backdrop, 其实在写作中可以被用作一个连接词,意思为“以此背景下”。它可以和一些类似的连接词互换,例如:under this circumstance, in this context, 等。

  2、至于这句话后面说到了这次疫情可能给我们带来的一些后果,如massive unemployment, poverty, social disorder, reduction of industrial outputs, serious setbacks of both the demand and supply chains,这些词其实在写作里面描写一些现象的消极影响是都可以时常被用到。

