雅思听力水平如何提高?听力整体水平提高 需要良好的词汇基础和不断练习得到的经验策略和听力技能的整体提高。这里的词汇包括听力各大场景词汇的积累,再加上同义替换的词或者短语。那么关于雅思听力的备考,小编在此为大家做相关内容的整理,希望能帮到大家!
在雅思听力考试中,总体差不多两大类题型:选择题和填空题,从过往考题来看,一般是填空题占较大比例,或者填空题选择题各自占50%,这里的填空题包括了form completion,table completion,sentence completion等需要注意拼写的填空题,选择题包括了单选题,多选题,及选择配对题等。
选择题通过注重同义替换 或者换种说法考察是否理解意义;填空题会通过还原录音内容考察捕捉信息能力,较难的填空题也会通过同义词替换或者完全换种方式说的方式来考察。以下为具体在做题过程当中需要注意的点,可供参考。
1. 注意看清楚选择题题目所问问题,选项有时候是答非所问,有时候 是根本没提到。如剑9Test2Section2,选择题
18. The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win
A. gym membership
B. a video
C. a calendar
录音当中原文是 There will be free tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all. Just answer fifteen out of twenty sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul King’s DVD Spring Tips, while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a year’s free membership of the broadcaster Gym. All entrants will receive a special sports calendar with details of all broadcaster fixtures in the coming year.
这里面选项中三个东西都有提到,答对十五个问题可以可以得到DVD,20个全部答对能得到a year’s free membership of the broadcast gym, 所有的加入的都可以得到一个calendar,故答案选择A. 这种类型的大家做题下来能感受到有许多。
2. 两个人对话讨论时间地点或者其他的选择最终确定下来的那个是答案,如时间,举办会议办party 地点确认,最终确定下来的是答案.
3. 时态上注意,题目问得时间是现在还是过去,如真题剑4test 3 section3 填空题 present course 录音中学生先有说到 I was studying General English for half a year in Adelaide and now I am studying Academic English in Sydney, 根据题目 现在学的 就是academic English.
4. 难度大点会是不常见的同义替换 或是完全换一种方式表达,一下子没反应过来而失分,如 剑8中 test 3section 3 , 题目中问到 in the village community, he learnt how important it was to
A. respect family life
B.develop trust
C. use money wisely
录音中是 what struck me was that when people became more comfortable with me and less suspicious, we really connected with each other in a meaning way.
less suspicious 表明要减少怀疑,多一些信任,实则是指要建立信任
5. 还有一类是指明位置类型的题,如membership场景办理会员地点,可能回答者会说到去reception on the second floor, 这个时候注意可能会说到其他的参照物,在考试情况下复杂一点的可能会成为干扰项。 比如剑9中Test4Section2,14-18题在宾馆里面物品的物品的位置:
14. Pillows
15. Washing power
16. Key
17. Light bulbs
18. Map
A in box on washing machine
B in cupboard on landing
C in chest of drawers
D next to window in living room
E on shelf by back door
F on top of television
G under kitchen sink
讲到pillows yes, if you look in the cupboard, the large white one upstairs- to the left of the bedroom door--there should be four or five on the top shelf. Pillows 是在cupboard里面,之后说了cupboard位置to the left of the bedroom door, 然后讲到在里面的top shelf 会有四到五个pillows,这时候听的时候可以在脑海中浮现图像更有利于准确解题。