【Part 1-3真题点评】
Part 1:part1的必考题几乎每一场都会出现, work和study提问的频率比较高,其次的话,对于trust/ concentration /haircut 这些话题的内容小伙伴们应该感觉比较生僻。
Part 2: 今天分享的part2的部分是关于地点类,这一类型的题目往往是同学们拿到手后,很多同学会在想如何撑满2mins的时间。其实,并不难。地点的内容中也可以添加一些自己的个人经历在里。这样整体的内容就不会仅仅是地点单方面的了。
Part 3:这个部分的回答中,很多问题的答案都是需要critical thinking。也就是辩证思维。这种思维方式是大家在后期的国外学习中老师会一再的强调的信息。其实,也就是双边讨论+鸡蛋里面挑骨头的方法进行每个问题的拓展。
Describe a city you once went to with your family
What the city was
Why you went there
What the city was like
And explain how you felt about it
Well, an trip I had with my parents happened last summer holiday, taking a perfect 3-day lay-off in Chongqing -a mega riverside city. In fact, this city is one of provincial-level municipalities. Actually, Chongqing is quite far away from Suzhou, we had to take plane to get there.
The reason why I really wanted to pay a visit in there is that the skyscrapers in the charismatic geography are in picturesque disorder. so, the city was named 8-D magic city in young people.
One attraction I must share with you is HongYa cave which is not a real cave. This cave is lined Chongqing's riverfronts and has 11-storey shopping, dining and entertainment complex. Here, my parents and I got a foot massage, eat a dinner of spicy skewers, all in one place. It's cheesy good fun and at night, the lit-up complex is fairly spectacular.
Additionally, the night life in this city is so memorable to me. Having hot pot at a riverside restaurant or heading for night food markets are highly recommended. I was so impressed by the scattered colorful lights.
This trip left me a very deep impression, not only the foods, leisure activities and night life, but also hospitable local inhabitants. As I was suddenly invited by a young lady to join the hot-pot party, when I was on a street in night. I supposed that this experience was unforgettable to me, and I will never have this occasion again in my rest of life.