

2019-10-14 19:30:17编辑:小羊



  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part1: 第一部分的话题还是以考生的日常生活为主题,由个人的工作和学习展开,本期也有提问朋友。在熟悉的话题上,同学们要用准确的词语和时态清晰描述自己的日常例行。对于part 1少见的抽象难题,比如谈论声音,需要提前联系生活思考,再用具体实例来解释,使答案生动。

  Part 2: 第二部分,考官会发给考生话题卡,围绕题目给予一个人物/地点/物品/事件来进行描述。不难发现,有较多题目和雅思的经典考题是类似的,以人物类别来举例,包括了名人,成功的人和有趣的人,是常见的人物类主题。同学们在描述的过程中除了描述对象时,也要记得谈与自己的联系哦。

  Part 3:第三部分的考题不再限于考官手中的考题册,而是考官可以提出自己的问题,因此是整个雅思口语考试中最为灵活的一部分。考官与考生讨论的方向也是从第二部分进行延伸,会涉及社会问题,所以难度也是高于前两个部分。考生在这部分不要紧张,害怕被对方问倒,应充分利用平时在课堂的学到的句型来辩证地论证自己的观点,佐以实例。


  Describe a place (not your home) where you read and write

  You should say:

  where it is

  how often you go there

  who you go with

  and explain how you feel about this place



  I’m a person who is addicted to reading and writing on electronic devices so I’d like to talk about a computer lab in my university. It's not on the main campus where my university library is located, but it’s on another campus, in a small teaching building not far from my apartment. Last term, I would only use the lab to write essays occasionally. This term, as it has extended its opening hour, I started to visit it weekly.

  Most of the time, the lab is not crowded and has plenty of computers available where I can access online reading materials. I usually do a few hours of self-study on my own, but sometimes my roommates go with me, especially on weekdays, as they don't want to waste time in commuting to university library either, or bother with reserving computers in the library.

  I really enjoy studying in this computer lab coz it’s got a studious atmosphere. Most of the visitors here seem to be really concentrated on what they are doing on the computers. There is hardly any chatting or giggling that you can find in the room. So I feel really satisfied since I wouldn't be distracted by the surroundings when I’m reading or writing something.