

2019-10-12 18:31:00编辑:陈濛濛


  距今年最后一次换题月已经过去了一个多月,最后一季的新题库也已趋于稳定。本次题库中新旧话题的数量及难度方面仍平分秋色,PART1共10个新话题,其中以物品类话题居多;PART2共25个新话题,以事件类话题的更新为主。新题难度与以往基本持平,但多以个人经历为切入角度,有一定的限定性,同学们在准备的过程中不妨结合经典语料,加入点睛的“Personal Experience”部分,即可轻松应对。

  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part1: 对于PART1常规必考题 Work or study/Accommodation/Hometown,想必同学们都非常熟练了,那么为了使自己的答案加分,除了常规套路以外,我们不妨采用对比比较的手法,加入一些时态变化。本季PART1中高频旧题如Tea/Coffee、Music、Math等仍频繁出现,新题中的Jeans、Voices、Haircut、Walking等也都比较贴近生活,备考时建议多结合自身经历及感受拓展细节,必要时准备一些特定场景的专用名词(如发型话题中的cornrows/crewcut等)来提升词汇评分。另外,Traveling这类话题的准备中,可以加入今昔对比等技巧,凸显语言运用能力。

  Part 2: 本季PART2人物类话题新题大幅减少,并且几乎都能用经典语料完成准备,唯一需要注意的是题目中的限定性成分(如describe a person who often travels by plane应关注often travels by plane)避免答案off-topic;地点类话题考频不高,难点在于题目对于描述细节的能力要求比较高,比如童年学校、多彩的地方等,如果不从细节入手可能很难出彩;物品类话题占比有所降低,新题中抽象题也略有减少,准备起来较为简单,建议同学们多利用经典语料库来串联;本季事件类话题新题较多,准备难度增大,但值得庆幸的是,不少新题换汤不换药,如“特别的一天”与“初见某人的时刻”几乎可以同时准备。总之在PART2的准备过程中,建议同学们纵观全局,同类合并,用聪明的方法来提高效率。

  Part 3:PART3是Two way discussion,重点在于多角度切入,并且展现出同学们能够深入讨论问题的语言能力和思辨能力。对于这部分的准备,建议明确答题的逻辑及框架结构,注重平时阅读外刊,积累观点及表达,相信对于冲击高分会有比较大的帮助。


  Describe a time you didn’t tell your friend the truth.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  What the situation was

  Why you didn’t tell your friend the truth

  And explain how you felt about it



  I think I’m an honest person and I rarely lie. But a month ago, I didn’t tell my friend the truth. At that time, I had three days off from school. Since I was about to take the IELTS test, I decided to use the time to prepare for it properly.

  But my friend Lisa was about to have her birthday. And since it was a holiday, Lisa thought it was a good chance to celebrate and hang out together. So she asked some friends to come to her home, including me.

  Lisa texted me on WeChat asking if I was available for her birthday. Of course, I wanted to say yes. But you know, I had an exam coming up, so I hesitated. I lied to Lisa and told her that I was going to see my parents. I even said that I already bought the train ticket. Lisa didn’t doubt me and wished me good luck on my journey.

  I know integrity is very important for friendship. But if I told Lisa I couldn’t come because I had to study, she might’ve thought I’m too self-centered and not a good friend. So I had no choice but to lie. Lisa still doesn’t know the truth, which makes me feel guilty. I’ll do better for her next birthday.