-mangrove tree
Conversation1、一个学生想搞一个电子杂志,教授推荐funding;2、学生去找老师问作业是不是paper和presentation都要做,后来老师推荐学生换一个植物研究,因为已经有好几个学生选了;3、 学生想参加一个Travel,找老师想办法避免付报名费,老师推荐他去顶替做guide。
Lecture1、考古学人类迁移;2、saturn的一个卫星(v开头的叭),卫星上是methyl,然后它的cycle和地球上的很像,就是被蒸发然后到云和atmosphere里面,然后变成rain回到surface上面。然后讲了猜测是怎么replenish methyl的,可能和cxx.volcano有关 它会erupt methyl。
【版本2】喜欢每天都读新闻还是定期读新闻 Read the news every day or read news regularly?
阅读中提出Donating program,听力中表示同意。新生可以少花钱,比如男生是新生时候缺desk,就花了一些钱;女生说她有个bookshelf 也是那个情况(男生是主要说话的,说自己以前有个comfortable chair)
商业话题,说的是team work的好处:1. 不用找特殊的人才,比如广告公司做hotel,有人可以wording,有人可以做好看图片;2. 可以correct mistakes
A huge deserted boat called Mary Celeste was found by sailors in the ocean, but its captain and crew, altogether 10 people, have been missing. Several theories have been proposed to explain what happened to the 10 people who have been aboard the Mary Celeste.
-One theory is that the crew of the Mary Celeste fell into victim of pirate. 被海盗劫持了
-Another theory is based on the fact that the Mary Celeste was transporting flammable liquid stored in barrels. 船上载着桶装的易燃液体
-The third theory asserts that the captain and crew may have determined that the ship was in danger of sinking. 船有沉没的危险,他们弃船逃生
None of the theories in the reading is convincing. 听力一一反驳:
-The crew was not the victim of pirate. The pirates on the ocean area just wanted money, not the crew in the ship. But nothing in the ship is missing except the captain and crew. The pirates demanded none of the things in the ship, so they would not take away the crew.
-The ship could not have been transporting flammable liquid, because if it was transporting flammable liquid on aboard, the liquid may diffuse an unpleasant smell, which would linger for a long time. But there is no smell in the ship. If there was really smell, the crew could not tolerate it for such a long time.
-The Mary Celeste was not likely to be sinking, for the reason that the ship was navigating on ocean for a few days, specifically it lasted a long time, and the ship was very expensive, so it could not be possible to be sinking. If it was really sinking, the captain and crew could abandon the huge ship and buy small boats on the way.
Traditions are defined as customary or established ways of doing things in a family, community, or culture. Some people believe that it is important to follow traditions even when those traditions conflict with or are quite different from their own individual preferences. Other people believe that individual preferences are more important than traditions. Which view do you agree with, and why?