

2021-10-11 10:23:00编辑:景景






  阅读部分分论点一:1. European maps around 1550 already included some names of Australian areas, which means they arrived before 17th century.


  分论点二:2. An European book dated in 1593 illustrates a type of kangaroo named Marsupial, and kangaroos are typically found in Australia.2.欧洲有本1953年的书讲到袋鼠。而袋鼠是澳大利亚很典型的动物,所以欧洲可能在1606年前就有关于澳大利亚的知识了。


  分论点三:3. Soil samples found on some old European keys unearthed in Australia indicate the date to early 16th century.3.有研究人员在澳大利亚找到了欧洲产的铁钥匙,并且分析了钥匙附近的土壤,发现土壤的日期可追溯到1500年代。

  听力部分分论点一:1. Shapes of those areas shown on the map are different from those of the actual areas in Australia.1.地图上的行状和澳大利亚不一样,而且地图都是二手店得到的,通常都有神秘故事色彩,不够准确;

  分论点二:2. The illustration of Marsupials doesn’t mean the discovery of Australia as these animals exist in other parts of the world as well. Those mentioned in the book were probably found in Americas. 2.袋鼠并不都在澳大利亚,south and north America也有发现,欧洲人那时候已经explore了美国,所以可能是从那里得知的,不能说明他们达到了澳大利亚;

  分论点三:3. Soil itself cannot be used to determine when these keys were left in Australia. Such method is simply inaccurate.3.后来研究人员用一种new, improved analysis method发现,date of the soil can not determine the date of the keys.



  Both the reading and the listening discuss about the time when European arrived in Australia. The reading argues that European had reached Australia in 16th century, while the lecturer casts doubt on this viewpoint.

  First, as the reading suggests, there was a landmass marked in the place where the contemporary Australia locates in Asian map of that time. However, the listening points out that there is a drastic difference between the shape of that landmass and that of the Australia, which shows Europeans have never visited Australia at all.

  Second, the reading mentions that marsupials were depicted on a brochure published in 1593, thererfore European must have reached Australia by that time. On the contrary, the lecturer refutes that not all marsupials are located in Australia and Northern America is another place inhabited by marsupials where Europeans reached in 16th century.

  Third, the reading passage suggests a metal key has been discovered which obviously belongs to Europeans and the dating result of the soil that accommodate the key indicate it is from 16th century. On the other hand, the lecturer claims that soil itself can not be used to determine when these keys were left in Australia and that such method is simply inaccurate.
