

2021-09-22 14:08:57编辑:景景



  Task 1

  内容回忆The Student Association has decided to reduce the number of student clubs the sponsor. Some members want to drop the Hiking Club. other members prefer to drop the Speech and Debate Club, which club do you think should be dropped?

  Explain why?

  参考答案From my point of view, the Hiking club should be dropped instead of the Speech and Debate Club.

  Although hiking is fun to do with friends, students can do it on their own whenever they have time. By contrast, it is impossible to get feedback about a speech or participate in a debate by themselves.

  Plus, we want to focus on things that will help us get a good job. Speech and debate are important work skills, so I think it is better to practice those now and do hiking later when we have more time.

  Because speech and debate are hard to do on our own but are important for getting a good job, I would keep that club.

  Task 2



  Task 3

  阅读indirect defence


  Task 4

  话题ingredient branding

