

2021-08-23 10:02:36编辑:景景

  2021年8月21日雅思考试写作部分机经回忆含范文  本文为大家整理上周六的雅思考试机经,考过的和没考过的都来看看吧!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!环球教育雅思培训试听课正在火热预约中,在线咨询联系客服老师预约哦




  layout of Japanese office and American office




  Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  1. 更容易攻克难题、实现科技的大突破——有多方位的支持(资源、政策、规定);

  2. 避免资源浪费:企业竞争带来的重复投入;



  1. 效率更高——更快的出结果;

  2. 快速地应用于各个领域——这样才能收回前期投入。


  Scientific breakthroughs have been benefiting mankind from day one and nowadaysresearch groups, either of private companies or of governments, are making great efforts tofurther this path. Some people claim but l only partially approve that researches of differentfields should be planed and conducted by authorities.

  There are a couple of major benefits if government dominates in the field of science.Thanksto the organizational capabilities, governors are able to support scientific programs by allmeans, namely, granting investments, setting up separate standards and organizing publicresources. With these provisions, scientists and research teams are possibly able to smoothaway present scientific conundrums way earlier and easier than those in personalenterprises. The other prominent superiority of this proposal is to prevent overlappinginvestment amongst competitors of enterprise-level. What if the government makes theinitial progress and the followers amplify the achievement rather than wasting funds on atarget dim and remote?However,if only all governments were visionary, functional andefficient.

  Despite the lack of overwhelming resources, private businesses possess certain advantagesin organizing intensive researches. In order to survive among rivals, business owners willcontinuously exert pressures and offer incentives on research teams for outcomes. whichmeans the progress made under this circumstance can be much quicker as long as itsdifficulty being within limits. Also, these achievements will be converted into products andput into market for higher shares and rewards, and thus consumers can enjoy the fruits ofscientific advancements before they know it.

  In conclusion, the progress relying on researchers should be pushed forward by the bothparties as the governments are capable of great barriers whereas companies are moreefficient when it comes to modifying present breakthroughs.
