

2021-08-16 09:54:27编辑:景景

  8月14日雅思考试机经回忆写作及范文分享  本次写作小作文考的是柱状图,大作文是关于旅游的话题,本文为大家带来参考范文,供学习!






  Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries. Why is this the case? Is it a positive or a negative development?




  1. 旅游业容易带动国家整体的经济发展。随着游客的到来,可以推动其他产业例如运输,住宿,餐饮,商品等。

  2. 发展旅游业投入小,尤其是对于名胜古迹比较多的国家。旅游业的发展主要靠风景和名胜古迹,整体投入少,好起步。


  1. 促进整体经济的发展。旅游业会创造大量就业机会,游客的到来可以为国家增加收入,同时发展其他领域。

  2. 促进各国文化技术交流。发达的旅游业会带动文化,经济间的交流。也可以很好的宣传本国的文化。


  Global tourism has gained its prosperity during the last several decades and a considerablenumber of developing countries are taking more active parts in this industry due to itsrelatively low threshold and immediate benefit on other fields involved.Although this trendhas brought about certain problems, it is generally more helpful on both domestic andinternational scales.

  This tendency is caused by two major reasons. Governors have witnessed successfulprofitable examples in which well-known tourist destinations of both developed ordeveloping regions have been contributing abundant and lasting income to their countries,which boosts domestic economy to varying degrees. As well as direct income from foreigntravelers,the related industries like transportation,catering and manufacture have alsoobtained the chance and funds to advance and thus deliver benefits to local residents.Another important factor lies in the lower amounts of investment to take off the business aslong as the possess natural and historic resources of exotic nature, a friendly starting pointfor nations with tight budgets.

  Although it may cause some unnecessary waste of funding and disturbance of inhabitants,the trend indeed has created plenty of employment opportunities in addition to advantagesaforementioned for the host countries. In the global context,tourism enhances theexchange of technology and culture, promote the mutual understandings and appreciationbetween nationalities, preserve the minor cultures from extinction and eventually may giverise to a peaceful, dynamic and diverse background around the globe.

  ln conclusion, tourism seems to be an efficient and convenient way for less-developednations. Meanwhile,the life standard of wealthy urban dwellers is also raised as they canenjoy themselves better in the whole range of attractions during their holidays.
