

2021-07-14 14:11:56编辑:景景




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.

  比起给孩子们很多课后作业并让他们参加学校相关的活动,孩子们更应该choose to do what they want,是否同意?


  Some companies are controversial and criticized for their business practices. Do you think it is acceptable for people to take jobs at such companies, even if the jobs pay well? Explain why or why not.【可以relate到一直备受关注的“大厂996”相关议题】


  I don’t think I’ll work for a company that has a controversial reputation even if it may pay me well.

  Reason NO.1: Most companies that have a bad reputation don’t treat their employees well, and that means they may not even keep their promises about the high salaries. I don’t want any risk.

  Reason NO.2: Even if I get well paid, I don’t want to be exhausted by having to work overtime very often. If a company pays employees well and still has a terrible reputation, overworking could be the problem.

  >>综合写作阅读:新西兰某岛上black robins濒危的原因1. 不能抵御捕食者2. 捕食条件有限3. 繁殖率低听力一一反驳:1. 该岛上很少有cats 等捕食者,并且政府有出台专门保护这种鸟的政策2. 科学家有用hands clapping的方法来喂食,然后还会去他们的鸟窝所在处定时投喂3. 把这种鸟的蛋拿走给另外一种鸟类孵化,不仅可以保护幼崽,而且当black robins发现自己的蛋不见时,就会再生蛋,繁殖率反而是提高


  Task 2:寒假学校校园要清空,对话说不同意,因为有运动啥的可以在校园举办

  Task 3:

  Business licensing,公司的生产和销售不在同一个地方可以更高效,能够获取更多利润,以一个加拿大公司为例,销售在日本,这样不仅提高利润,还有助于扩展更多客户

  Task 4:mother rats和non-mother rats的实验:两个不同的盒子,一个open,the other closed,让两组实验rats 进去找食物——mother rats and non-mother rats,相比之下mother rats 更brave and confidence, because mother rats need to search food for their babies

  >>阅读【收集到的内容较少,欢迎留言补充】-天文学,gas dust
