
6.26线下托福机经回忆: 原题爆炸,这波稳了!

2021-06-26 14:50:14编辑:景景

  6.26线下托福机经回忆: 原题爆炸,这波稳了!2021年6月26日线下托福考情回顾:转自子睿老师  更多托福备考干货请关注环球教育,环球教育开设托福培训课程,可在线咨询预约试听


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough.



  -This creates an opportunity for parents and children to spend some time together and thus improves their communication and relationship.

  -It’ll also make children realize how hard it is to keep a room neat and organized so that they will have more respect for others’ hard work.

6.26线下托福机经回忆: 原题爆炸,这波稳了!


  Which one of the following do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children?

  - Being helpful to others

  - Being honest

  - Being well organized


  Main idea: Honesty should always come first when educating children

  Paragraph 1: It is true that being helpful to others means a lot to adults, but that is not the case with children who are mostly incapable of telling who needs help and how to offer that help.

  Paragraph 2: In any civilized society, being honest is considered the most important value, for it guarantees that no one is deceived and the truth can be heard. As such, every citizen should be taught that value since childhood.

  Paragraph 3: Most children live a relatively simple life in which there is no much to organize, and also, many parents are not even well organized themselves. How can we expect these parents to teach their children something they cannot deliver themselves?


  阅读:政府不应该给art和artists任何financial support1. 艺术不是政府的obligation,公民的娱乐已经超出了政府的管辖范围,而且有很多其他的东西需要政府的支持2. 政府会使用censorship来控制艺术,他们可以选择那些支持政府的作品,art funding导致政府歧视观点不同的art3. 艺术不需要政府资助,美国art已经很牛了,看看movie这么受欢迎听力:政府要加大资助艺术的力度1. 是政府的legitimated function,艺术为大众提供recognition、pleasure,是政府的责任,如national park2. 因为有些机构是political-independent的,他们才不关心什么作品里的政治因素,他们就关心作品质量,还专门请普通专家来评判3. 商业艺术不用投入,但是其它就要,电视和movie不是art好的说明,有些项目比如children art是很重要的,而且你不能指望这些项目去搞商业化


  Task 2:【GTMT模考包中的原题】

  取消诗歌写作课,听力不同意 1. 小班有更多个人时间来get individual feedback 2. alternate course 太远了,很多学生没车,公交车也没有那么多班次

  Task 3:

  startle defense,就是猎物快要被捕食者抓到的时候会突然变颜色或者发出声响吓捕食者一下,然后借机逃跑Task 4:两种让顾客试用产品的优点:1. 有feedback 可以improve 和fix产品,举例给摄影师用新出的camera;2. 免费广告,如果摄影师觉得好用就会推荐给其他人>>阅读【欢迎留言补充】-爬行动物的发展-火烈鸟的行为

  -蒸汽机-bad diet-宋朝-梳理历史上灭绝的原因(第一段就是点题班里面阅读模考中一篇阅读的压缩)-美国的tenure制度的好坏-某种动物放哨行为的动机探析>>听力【欢迎留言补充】


  -一个学生志愿去一个exhibi 帮忙,老师说另一个志愿者不来了,让他顶上

  -一个男学生申请project funding,是需要在水里收集sample,老师说他申请的金额太大了,让他改,不要去海里捞,直接去学校湖里采样,分析数据啥的,反正就是减少budget


