2021年4月24日托福写作回忆和解析|托福机经 本文由环球教育上海学校严春华老师整理点评 更多托福备考干货及机经回忆,请关注环球教育,环球托福提分课程火热报名中,在线咨询即可预约试听
考题回忆总论点美国Erie Canal建造时的困难和解决方法
阅读部分分论点一:自然环境terrain and landscape 会使建造变得艰难
分论点二:人手不够 lack of workers
分论点三:花钱太多benefits 不足以cover high cost
分论点一:用动物帮忙和冬天开工,用devices来帮助dig和remove roots,冬天才在区域开工
1. 1. 自然环境 该地的landscape有很多阻碍,比如有很多forests,砍伐耗时耗力,有很多湿地wetlands,所以蚊子很多,会传播疟疾malaria
2. 2. 建筑运河需要很多人工,人手不够
3. 3. 这一带人很少,带来的经济效益没有办法弥补建造的巨大花费
1. 1. 那时已经有可以将树木连根拔起的工具,并用牲口当动力,效率还是挺高的。关于湿地中的蚊子问题,工人可以在冬季施工,这样就不会有传播疟疾malaria的问题
2. 2. 那时候刚好有大量的移民,而移民需要大量的工作来糊口,这恰好解决了人工问题
3. 3. 这里居住以及路过的人很少,是因为交通非常不方便,但是canal修好后会完全改善。以前陆路运输需要6周100美元,canal修好后水路运输只需6天10美元,所以无人问津的状态将改变
Both the reading and the listening discuss about problems of Erie canal construction. The reading raises three problems, while the lecturer provides corresponding solutions.
First, as the reading suggests, there are obstacles in the landscape like lots of forests, which makes logging energy-consuming and time consuming. Wetlands with mosquitoes also make the project harder to implement because of malaria-spreading. However, the listening points out that by the time the construct will be carried out, there will be an effective tool to pulling out the trees from the roots, powered by the livestock. As to the issue of malaria, as long as the project is arranged in winter season, this problem will be easily resolved.
Second, the reading mentions that there will be lack of labors to build the canal. The listening, on the other hand, points out that there will be a great number of immigrants coming by the time of construct and they will need lots of jobs to make a living.
Third, the reading also illustrates that the population size of the place is small, therefore the economic benefits of the construction can hardly compensate for the costs the project ensues. The listening, on the contrary, contend that the reason of the smaller population size is the inconvenience of transportation. The cost of transportation will be reduced dramatically from $100 per week via roads to $10 per week via water, therefore the number of people will definitely grow.