

2019-08-19 16:57:51编辑:小羊





  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1:part1的必考题几乎每一场都会出现, work和study提问的频率比较高,其次的话,对于social media 这个话题大家其实并不陌生。大部分同学每天对于社交媒体的使用量都是非常频繁的。

  Part 2: 今天分享的part2的部分是关于事件类,这一类型的题目往往是同学们拿到手后,思路不清楚,又或是没有思路。困扰了大家很多。那么今天就带着大家去分享一个part2事件类型a time you went out with friends and had a good time

  Part 3:part3部分,本身在考试中就是一个提分的部分。并且,题库中的part3并不说一定就会涉及到。现今很多考官都会随机问问题。所以,我们平时一定要多总结观点,进行辩证思维。多多累积词汇,课堂上注意回答的技巧并且利用相应的练习,考试时候正常发挥即刻。这部分对于冲6.5+以上的同学要求会比较高奥。


  Describe a time you went out with friends and had a good time

  Where you went

  What you did there

  Who you were with

  And explain why it was a memorable experience


  思路这是一道事件类的话题, 要求描述一次和小伙伴出行愉快的经历。其实,这个话题很简单。就是一次旅行,或者一次逛街,去主题公园等等。都是可以的。想必大家肯定都有类似的经历吧。


  词汇a coastal resort city 沿海度假城市

  3-day lay-off 三天的休息

  intimate friend 亲密的朋友

  off the top of my head 不假思素

  top-rated local seafood restaurant 当地评分很高的海鲜餐厅


  mouth-watering 让人流口水的

  tender 柔软的

  picturesque 风景如画的

  vast coastline 宽阔的海岸线

  open blue sea开放的蓝色海域

  local specialty当地特产

  stretch legs放松

  laid-back lifestyle 悠闲的生活方式

  slow-paced life 慢节奏生活



  Well,off the top of my head, an experience I had with my intimate friend-lily happened last summer holiday, taking a perfect 3-day lay-off in Xiamen-a coastal resort city in Fujian Province. Actually, Xiamen is quite far away from Suzhou, we had to take longer time to get there by high rail, almost 9 hours.

  The first day, we spent time on beach which is a university nearby. Because there are open blue sea and long stretching beach, soft white sand and the vast coastline. The scenery there was so picturesque that I would never ever forget one piece of it in my rest of life.

  Additionally, the night life in this city is so memorable to me. Due to the geographic feature, fresh sea food is the most attractive local specialty to tourists from inland cities. I still remembered that lily and I went to a top-rated local seafood restaurant. The foods there were so palatable and mouth-watering, especially, the dish named steamed squid with oyster source. It tasted so fresh, tender and moist.

  I enjoyed this trip, not only the foods and scenery, but also the laid-back lifestyle. It was a great time to stretch the legs and experience slow-paced life.