
12.12托福考试写作解析:古生物类 范文及解析

2020-12-14 09:27:57编辑:景景

  12.12托福考试写作解析:古生物类 范文及解析!这次托福考试写作部分整体难度偏难。其中,综合写作考查古生物(恐龙),难度适中。但是独立写作考查偏难,重复了 2019 年 3 月 9 日和 2011 年 3 月 4 日北美的题目。





  恐龙头上的一个坚硬的部位(圆顶 dome)的作用


  分论点一:用来识别自己的同伴(species recognition)。

  分论点二:用来打架(butting, 指用头顶的角顶撞)的时候保护头部,和一

  种羊一样(big horn sheep)

  分论点三:装饰作用(ornament) 用来吸引配偶(mate)


  分论点一:这个 dome 很多恐龙都有,而且有别的身体结构(physical structure)很特殊的可以用来识别 ,这个 dome 不可以用

  分论点二:恐龙(dinosaur)的 dome 很脆(fragile),不像阅读里提到的那种动物(某一种羊),用 dome 来 butting 会伤害头部,导致死亡。

  分论点三:不是装饰(ornament),如果是,雄性(male)有 dome, 而雌性(female)没有。但是发现 dome 有没有只和年龄有关, 幼崽(young)没有, 成年恐龙越成熟越大解题思路

  1. 确定听力与阅读的关系(反驳)

  2. 灵活使用写作模板,点对点比较

  3. 注意时态(古生物话题,可能以过去时为)



  While both the reading and the lecture discuss the same topic about the possible functions of the dome structure of dinosaurs, the lecturer challenges the three theories presented in the reading.

  First, the reading says that the dome was used for species recognition. The lecturer, however, rebuts this explanation, claiming that other dinosaur species also had the dome structure. In addition, the lecturer also points out that there were other physical features of dinosaurs that could serve this purpose of species recognition.

  Second, the reading passage states that the dome could have been used for butting, citing a similar example of the big horn sheep that use this dome for fighting. In contrast, the lecture contends that the dinosaur dome was fragile, which is different from the dome of the big horn sheep. Therefore, using the dome for fighting might end up hurting the brain of the dinosaur, thus leading to the dinosaur’s death. Clearly, the lecture’s explanation contradicts the reading’s argument.

  Finally, disputing the reading’s argument regarding the possible ornamental function of the dome, the lecturer argues that the dome structure is in fact related to the age of the dinosaur.While juveniles had not domes, adult dinosaurs had them. (201 words)独立写作