【作文题目】:图表描述8个国家两年的汽车数量, 表格题数据较多, 注意筛选保持最高,最低, 描写趋势的程度差异, 并总结主要特征, 必要时可以选择合并的方式处理无明显主要特征的数字.
【作文题目】All children should learn history in school. Others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
重复20130525, 双边讨论类题型。本题是教育话题中的经典考点学科选择, 本次考察内容为历史科目和生活相关科目的学习。教育话题的其他预测考点还包括合作和竞争, 是否所有学生都应该被要求学外语, 单一科目和多科目选择, 政府投资教育, 远程教育和学校老师教育, 大学生参加除学习外的其他活动, 这些话题大家在备考教育题目中, 希望能够多多关注.
本题的考点有三方面: 考点一All children 的处理; 考点二学习历史的处理; 考点三: 学习生活相关科目的处理. 回答问题时应该兼顾这三个parts , 以便于保证address all the parts of the task.
Children’s education has never been about knowledge only, especially one related with liberal arts, but rather, it has always been bound up with an all-round pool of useful skills.Yet, it is biased and misleading to overemphasize liberal arts by making it mandatory to all the children, and may cause repercussions among students.
Those who advocate compulsory history learning may live in denial when considering the career prospects of children. Conceivably, few jobs in internet era require a knowledge of human evolution and scientific history. This means when all the students are required to learn such useless and boring subjects, some of the career-oriented minds may cram themselves with figures and events only for passing the exam and attain credits of the subject, which certainly fail to reach the intended purpose. Nevertheless, with increased globalization comes increased competition in career, and because of this, it is the moral conduct, social values, customs and conventions in local and world history that allows for a critical, solving and broader mind, thus making good mental preparation for an occupation in a way that other practical subjects can seldom attain.
On the other hand, I could understand why some people may indeed be somewhat shortsighted as they see the commercial benefits from the life-related subjects, such as science and technology, banking account management and even cooking. Apparently, these subjects are indispensable parts of our lives, given the facility in dealing with laptops, money and essentials in life after learning such disciplines, but this could not mean that the achievement of other subjects are brushed aside. A society needs skillful minds as much as it needs a responsible, solving and expansive mind, and these are cultivated a wide array of subjects, whether it be foreign language, numeration, physical education or local and alien anecdotes and famous historical figures.
Overall, without mentioning that it is pointless to stimulate and inspire all the children learn history, I would be in favor of the view that there should not be any prejudice at all towards a series of subjects relevant to life.