2020 年 7 月 25 日雅思听力机经考题回忆——来自环球教育考试院&环球教育武汉学校 魏秋老师~
1-10 Completion
1. policy number: WX717453T
2. birth date: 30th April
3. what did he claim recent years: he lost a bike
4. value about $560
5. Shop branch name: Compucan
6. now claim the laptop's keyboard is broken
7. normally for family use
8. client was on the train during rush hour
9. the laptop was dropped off from the seat
10. need to bring the report before making a claim
单选 11-16
11. What is the purpose for this activity in the new course? 答案选 C
C (to celebrate the opening of a dance studio)
12. When is the most popular day for this centre? 答案选 B
A. weekends
B (weekday evenings)
C. Monday to Friday
13. How can guests get a discount(获得折扣)? 答案选 A
A (book in advance)(提前预定)
14. What is the special offer for a guest? 答案选 A
A (free training hour with a coach) (听力原文为 an extra hour with the instructor as extra benefits)
B. free cup tickets
C. free membership to 20 people
15. Why did they win an award? 答案选 C
A. trainers provide high quality in practice
B. the website centre provides a lot of information
C (offering professional advisers on website = why they won an award)
16. Why did some guests finally quit? 答案选 B
B (they did not share experience among friends)
匹配 17-20
A. Release stress
B. the leg strength
C. recreation
D. better concentration
E. quick react/short react time
17. General training
答案选 B(答案在原文中替换为 lower limbs in order to warm up)
18. Weight training
答案选 D(答案在原文中替换为 mentally focus)
19. Aerobics training(有氧训练)
答案选 A
20. Squash(壁球)
答案选 E(答案在原文中替换为 agility 灵活性)
21-26 Matching
21 energy harvest – small electric equipment
22 thin film solar panel – can be manufactured economically
23 fruit and food packaging – improving their quality3
24 sport shoes – technology from space
25 wind turbine – fulfill energy demand all over the world
26 electric sports car – better appearance
27-30 单选
27 这个 innovation 的特点:B 北极很干燥很冷
28 谁能用到这些种子:把种子埋进去的 countries
29 limited knowledge
30 为什么不把这个 innovation 做成他们 presentation 的 topic:money can be used in better ways
31-40 Completion
31 free of ice
32 animal
33 boats
34 plants
35 resources
36 strong current
37 teeth
38 climate
39 navigational skills
40 weapon