7月复考第一场已经结束了,各位同学考的怎么样呢?这里我们送上2020 年 07 月 11 日雅思阅读机经考题回忆——来自环球教育考试院&环球教育西安学校 魏维老师,供大家学习参考!
有学者认为:中世纪的儿童没有童年时光,他们不但享受不到 parental affection (parents did not form emotional attachments with their offspring),还得做和成人一样的工作。不过这个观点 controversial (disputed),绝大多数学者认为当时的儿童与现在并无区别 (there is an academic debate),因为从 contemporary manuscript 中能看到那时的小孩也会玩游戏,这些游戏能提升孩子们的 endurance, self-discipline 等在将来的人生中非常重要的 qualities.14 世纪开始出现 craftsman (artisan),他们专门制作玩具。家长通过 fairs 购买,女孩玩 dolls,男孩在父母的鼓励下玩 archery (shoot arrows with bows),以帮助将来成为 warrior。但有时候游戏也会失控,例5,如曾经上千个小孩集结打仗伤亡惨重。
儿童看待 calendar 与成人不同,虽然会陪同成人参加 festivals,但与成人的活动计划 semi-detached。孩子们夏季寻野果,秋季玩用猪尿泡做成的足球 (children and adults celebrated the seasons in their own respective way). 所以,成人并不能完全 dictate (govern)儿童的游戏方式。
填空 1-7
1. clay
2. goddesses
3. movable limbs
4. peg wooden dolls
5. wax
6. pulped wood or paper
7. china
判断 8-13
10. TRUE
12. TRUE
13. 待补充
剑 14Test 1 Reading Passage 1:THE IMPORTANCE OF CHILDREN’S PLAY
全文引用了很多学者对于工作压力的观点与论断,分析 Job Stress 的背景、起因缘由、带来的各种影响、解决办法等。
人名观点匹配 14-18
A. Jan Elsnera
B. Vanessa Stoykov
C. Gal Zauberman
D. Neil Plumridge
14. Work stress usually happens in the high level of a business. 答案选 A
15. More people’s ideas involved would be beneficial for stress relief. 答案选 D
16. Temporary holiday sometimes does not mean less work. 答案选 B
17. Stress leads to a wrong direction when trying to satisfy customers. 答案选 D18. It is not correct that stress in the future will be eased more than now. 答案选 C
单选 19-21
19. Which of the following workplace stress is NOT mentioned according to Plumridge in the following options?
答案选 B
A. Not enough time spend on family
B. Unable to concentrate on work
C. Inadequate time of sleep
D. Alteration of appointment
20. Which of the following solutions is NOT mentioned in helping reduce the work pressure according to
答案选 D
A. Allocate more personnel
B. Increase more leisure time
C. Lower expectation
D. Do sports and massage
21. What is the point of view of Jan Elsnera towards work stress?
答案选 A
A. Medical test can only reveal part of the data needed to cope with stress.
B. Index somebody samples will be abnormal in a stressful experience.
C. Emotional and cognitive affection is superior to physical one.
D. One well designed solution can release all stress.
Summary 无备选项填空 22-26
Statistics from National worker’s compensation indicate stress plays the most important role in 22 题 workplace injury, which may cause the time losses. Staff take about 23 题 16.6 weeks for absence from work caused by stress. Not just time is our main concern but great expenses generated consequently. An official insurer wrote sometime that about 24 题 7% of all claims were mental issues whereas nearly 27% costs in all claims. Sports such as 25 题 golf, as well as massage could be a treatment to release stress. However, specialists recommended another practical way out, analyse 26 题 workloads once again.
专家根据 foraging 方式的不同,把蜥蜴分成两种:motionless (sedentary) and active. 前者喜欢呆在固定的 spot (site),用视力搜寻并抓住猎物;后者四处奔跑依靠气味搜寻,喜欢白蚁这样的 concentrations (dense groupings) of prey.静止蜥蜴的外形相对 inconspicuous,而活跃蜥蜴在天敌面前 expose 的几率较大。前者的食物多是移动的昆虫,后者的食物反而是静止的昆虫,因此 foraging modes 在食物链中会 alternate at successive levels:大概的逻辑是活跃昆虫被静止蜥蜴吃,静止蜥蜴被活跃天敌 capture;静止昆虫被活跃蜥蜴吃,活跃蜥蜴被静止天敌捕捉。
两种蜥蜴都有 camouflage 的能力:静止蜥蜴身上有 spot, 颜色与树干色 match,用来 obscure 身体的outline;活跃蜥蜴身上是 stripe,快速移动时能产生 optical illusion。两种蜥蜴在面对敌人时有个相同的mechanism:断尾逃生。
静止蜥蜴的运动方式是 brief spurts,依靠无氧的 metabolism(新陈代谢),肌肉糖原很快会被 exhaust(run out) 并产生乳酸,乳酸的增加会 inhibit (interfere with)行动;活跃蜥蜴依靠身体的 circulatory 系统,消耗 glucose 并产生二氧化碳和水,比较适合 sustained (lasting) activities.
剑 9 Test 1 Reading Passage 3: The history of the tortoise