

2021-05-27 09:49:35编辑:阿祖

  很多考生都觉得,PTE阅读题的难度 真的是越来越大,自己经常会看不懂PTE阅读题的内容和答案意思。导致这种情况出现的首要原因就是词汇量的匮乏。除此以外,PTE阅读题也是有一些做题技巧的,一定程度上也能帮助同学们提分。下面小编就来带各位同学看看阅读题的提高技巧。




  Immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp species that have a large excess of females. In these species, fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs into males. A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing it or leaving it unfertilized. By Fisher‘s genetic argument that the sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted, it should pay a female to produce equal numbers of sons and daughters. Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect—and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis. Since only one female usually lays eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one male could fertilize all his sisters on emergence. Like Fisher, Hamilton looked for an evolutionarily stable strategy, but he went a step further in recognizing that he waslooking for a strategy.

  The author suggests that the work of Fisher and Hamilton was similar in that both scientists:

  a. Conducted their research at approximately the same time

  b. Sought to manipulate the sex ratios of some of the animals they studies

  c. Sought an explanation of why certain sex ratios exist and remain stable

  d. Studied game theory, thereby providing important groundwork for the later development of strategy theory

  先看题目,我们知道题目要求我们找到Fisher和Hamilton的相似点,那么快速浏览原文,直到题目结尾才看到了Like Fisher,Hamilto .....也就是说,这就是我们需要找到的句子。后面又说a stable strategy,那么我们去答案找那个需要跟stable strategy最贴切的,可以看出来c是最合适的选项。带着问题去看原文,会使阅读效率大大提高。

  2. 多项选择题,尽量只选两个,为后面的题目节省时间。因为PTE所有的多选题(Listening MC, reading MC, Listening HIW)都存在倒扣分的得分机制,在6选3或者7选4的题目中,选对2个选错1个只能得到(+2-1)1分,而只选两个,都选对可以得到+2分。如果学生有阅读时间不够用的问题,建议不要过多纠结于多项选择题,尽快选出两个最可能对的选项,点next。

  3. 完形填空可以根据上下文,推断选词的词性和时态。举例说明:

  When I __ a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great number of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses.

  a. grew b. was growing c. grow d. grown

  我们可以看出,后面同一句话里是一般过去式,先排除c和d。过去进行时表示过去一直在做的一个状态,放在这里显然与语义不符,故选 a。

  4. 在选词填空中,优先选自己认识的词。这纯属我个人的经验教训。在词汇量8000-10000这个范围的考生,在考试中依旧会遇到一个空超过2个选项不认识的情况,在这种情况下请选择自己认识的词。选对的概率远远大于去蒙一个完全不认识的词。

  5. 有同学问我,如果选择题实在做不出来,又不想浪费时间怎么办?这里提供一个技巧可以用于阅读和听力的单项选择(尤其是总结原文的单项选择),那就是选答案中最长的一个。
