环球独家讲座回顾:加拿大安大略省教育专家权威解读(一)加拿大安省的高中教育制度,本文我们一起听一下Paul Tufts为大家详细解读安省高中制度,帮助各位家长更好的了解加拿大留学!
Hello and thank you for inviting me to be a part of your program today.
My name is Paul Tufts and I am happy to speak with you about the school system in Ontario, the most populated province in Canada.
我的名字是Paul Tufts,很高兴能跟大家一起聊聊加拿大人口最多的省——安大 略省的教育体系。
I am very familiar with the Ontario education system as I have worked in it for over 30 years.
During that time, I always believed that Ontario's education system is one of the world's best.
Then I have had the opportunity to work internationally learning about school systems in Malaysia, Australia, Sweden, Peru and China- and I found out that Ontario's school system is respected around the world.
之后,我参与了国际教育工作,有机会了解到了马来西亚、澳大利亚、瑞典、 秘鲁、中国的教育系统,并且发现安省的教育系统在全世界都得到了认可。
The question that I started to ask myself is......" WHY is Ontario's education system so highly respected?"
One of the reasons is PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Test for 15 yr olds held every 3 years in the subject areas of Science, mathematics and literacy
Canadian students, and specifically Ontario students, consistently achieve rankings in the top 5 globally
加拿大的学生,尤其是安省的学生,在PISA测试中,连续排名世界前5名 。
World class in all respects, starting from the Ontario curriculum that is globally recognized and respected at all levels of education, and continuing to the innovative methods that Rosedale Academy uses to deliver that curriculum to today’s students.
安省的教育在全球得到认可的同时,也在持续创新,让全球的学生都有机会学 习到安省的课程。